Monday, December 5, 2022

Estate Sale Fun


There were two estate sales I went to, both of them within a few miles from my house. 

One of them was at a condo complex called Blue Heron Pointe. In the middle is a man-made lake. Driving by I always wondered what it looked like from the inside. Today I found out. 

I didn't take any pictures of the front but the back of the condo was stunning.

There was an upper and lower deck. 

And a spiral staircase going from one to the other!

I thought this table was interesting. 

And this chandelier above it. 

And in the garage..

Who needs this many sets of golf clubs?! Unless they were selling them for the whole complex! 

This was clearly a bachelor pad condo. There was not a single sign of a woman in sight anywhere! 

I did buy this for $4 though. 

I figured we could use it in our shed. 

The other estate sale was in another condo complex. 

There was a display of jewelry on a kind of neat table. The table wasn't for sale. 

I did buy these earrings for $8. 

I was happy to find these estate sales to go to so close to my house. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. This is a good pass time, lol visiting other people's homes. I love looking into other homes. Briony.x

  2. You found some interesting things. Crazy about the golf clubs!

  3. Wow, I love the deck and the views. That table must weigh a ton!!
    Nice earrings :)

  4. I love the back deck as well. I can imagine how nice it would be to sit out there. The earrings are pretty and a big 👎🏻 on that man golf clubs!

  5. Oh, that table! Was it for sale? It must be worth a fortune. These people must have been very, very wealthy!

  6. Wow, that is some view from that first condo. That guy sure had a lot of golf clubs.

  7. Cool to finally see, something you've wanted to see.

    🎄 🎄 🎄

  8. That sure is a lot of golf clubs!!
    Nice view out the window!

  9. It's fun just seeing the houses and getting a bargain adds to it!

  10. The lake view is very nice, but holy moly, that's a boat load of golf clubs!
    The earrings are cute and fun; what a great price!

  11. The view of the lake is amazing. Believe it or not my mother's husband has even MORE golf clubs. I don't understand it. I love the earrings. So pretty.

  12. I would love to tag along with you to an estate sale. The earrings you bought are pretty. I really like your little Christmas tree, in your last post. I just got to get started on doing a little decorating.

  13. Now That's a lotta golf clubs!!Lolol

  14. Gosh someone really loved their golf! :D

  15. The golf clubs? Whoa! lol I'm glad you found a few things you like. I haven't been to a garage sale or whatever it's called now, in many years. You'd like my sis in law, she goes every Friday to a sale at Penny Farms which is a beautiful place for retired ministers to live. Anyway, she always finds something she likes. I wish I was as good a 'buyer' as you two are. xoxo

  16. I find that first table terrifying for some reason but I love the second one (the one not for sale, haha) ... cute earrings! That's a beautiful view of the lake! xoxo


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