Friday, February 10, 2023

February Photo A Day #10

Back in the late nineties I worked with a girl that made fairy chairs out of sticks and other little things. She made this little chair and table for me for my birthday one year. 

 The chair is bout 4 inches tall and the table half the size. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. Those are very cute and would look nice in a fairy garden.

  2. It is adorable! Now you need a tiny fairy for it.

  3. Nice craftsmanship on that chair. I had a twig chair back in the early 90's. I think it was a trend back then. It finally fell apart on me. Yours is in good condition - well made. Maybe its time to make these a trend once again.

  4. Never have I ever seen one of those! Such a special gift to you, buddy. xoxo

  5. Well that is just adorable! So tiny! xoxo


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