Monday, February 13, 2023

February Photo A Day #13

 Why are some shampoo and conditioner bottles like this?

If you stand the bottle on the lid so the product stays by the opening then the shampoo bottle label is upside down. 

It's a mystery to me and one of the important things I ponder when I can't sleep at night! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. This is a very important question. 😂

    Ha ha, I wonder too!

  2. Lol...I just stand them on their lids...

  3. Just passing...
    Fairy is an international brand, primarily used for
    washing up liquid and dishwasher detergent,
    owned by the American multinational consumer
    products company, Procter & Gamble...

    Over here in the UK..
    Fairy washing up liquid is just being released in
    the up~side~down position...after seems
    the logical thing to do...!
    AND..the label is the right way up on the bottle..! :).

  4. Sleepless pondering. Understood!!!!

  5. Hey Jeanette, that's the same kind of thing I lay awake thinking about during the night...real important things.:) It drives me crazy. The most puzzling up-side-down can to me is the jellied cranberry sauce can.

  6. Inquiring minds want to know :)

  7. I don't know. Have often wondered. BUT seeing those bottles reminded me that I recently discovered L'Oreal Elvive 8-Second Wonder Water ... a rinse-out spray that I use now as my only conditioner. It really is "water" (or that consistency) so I transfer it to a spray bottle to keep in the shower. Smells wonderful and really does do something special to the condition of my hair! Love it xoxo


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