Sunday, February 12, 2023

February Photo A Day #12

 Does anyone else do this? 

In the Winter, after I bake something, I always leave the oven door propped open a little to let the heat escape into the house while the oven is cooling down. Hey, we need all the heat we can get! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. Exactly what I do, as well.

  2. What a good idea! I have never heard of this. Plus, it would make the house smell good.

  3. Yes I do that too. Why waste all of that extra heat.

  4. We ddo the same thing. If I forget and close the oven door my husband reminds me...don't let that warm air go to waste!

  5. OHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so jealous of your stove, grin. Yep, we do this too, smiles.

  6. I do it, but I’ve always read not to as it’s a safety hazard. Maybe gas ovens or if there are children in the home.

  7. I do the same thing! Why let the heat just go outside?

  8. Yes, I've always done that. I'll take all the extra heat I can get.

  9. I never thought of that; I need it the 'younger' ones seem to think we need the A/C on no matter how cold it. And, yest it does get cold here. LOL

  10. I do this at our GA place! Makes perfect sense!


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