Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February Photo A Day #28

Here we are at the final February Photo A Day post! What better way to end it than with a Estate Sale! They are rare this time of year, so I was glad to see the sign for this one! 

And bonus, you get a bunch of pictures instead of just one! 

This is the house. I didn't take a lot of pictures of the inside. It needed much updating! Whoever buys this house has a lot of work to do! I did see some interesting things though. 

I really liked the two iron pieces on this fireplace. I have nowhere in my house to put them so I didn't buy them. 

 I thought this table was cute for an entryway. It was marked $60. 

They were asking $150 for this antique bike. Pass! 

And $300 for this old treadle sewing machine. It's exactly like mine from my grandmother! 


I thought this mural was pretty on the stairs to the basement. 

More golf clubs! 

Here's the only thing I bought! These tablecloth weights for $1. They will come in handy when Rich and I go metal detecting and have a picnic at the park! 

Well, thanks for coming along with me this month! I have to admit I struggled a bit keeping up this time. Probably because things are pretty uneventful around here right now! Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

See you the next time! 


  1. Well, I think you did great! Loved seeing all the different photos!
    Glad you enjoyed an estate sale to round things out for the month!

  2. Looking forward to your metal detecting finds!

  3. $1 for the table cloth weights is worth the buy. Can see some antique items there..good for antique collectors.

  4. Cool little bike! Uh...is that the seat??

  5. I don't think we have those sort of sales in Wales. I would love it as I love a bargain and I'm nosey!

  6. These sales are fun to see - you get to see the house and the things they are selling. I like the bike, but not the cost!
    I've enjoyed your daily photo!

  7. I like what you found & bought. A come-in-handy for sure!!
    And, I enjoyed your month of photos.

  8. What a great way to end the month. That looks like a really nice house.

  9. I like the bike!!
    Congratulations for completing the month of pictures.

  10. Where's the seat on that antique bike? The table top weights are adorable. Good buy.

  11. The tablecloth weights are genius! The antiques are pretty, but like you said, kind of expensive. It was fun!!

  12. I always enjoy your pictures even though I'm slow to get here. That sewing machine looks so much like the one our mother had. We have no idea what happened to it though.

  13. I always love it when you share pics from an estate sale. I enjoy getting a peep inside others homes. Love the wrought iron table. Congratulations on completing your February challenge. You did great!!


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