Friday, March 3, 2023

One Project Done (Almost)

Remember when I said I had a lot of projects that I wanted to get done this year? Well, one of them was a Christmas wreath! 

I realize it's not exactly Christmas craft time, but I just needed to get this out of the way before I could move on to other things!

I had a box full of Christmas bows and I saw a wreath made out of them on Pinterest so I figured that would be a good way to use them!

First, I sorted them out by color and pattern. 

The I wrapped a wire frame with red ribbon. I like using the wire frames because they sit flat against the door better. 

Here's what it looks like so far. I definitely need more bows! I scrounged around the house looking for more but did not find any. I'm going to pack this away and finish it when the dollar store has their Christmas stuff back! 

But we're not going to rush that time by! 

Unless I come across some at an estate sale which is entirely possible! 

And I'll leave you with encouraging words: The Spring Equinox is only 17 days away! 

Let's hope the weather cooperates with the calendar!

See you the next time! 


  1. Cute idea! Maybe you can fill in the empty spots with unused Christmas ornaments?

  2. Nice work! I’m excited for Spring!

  3. Pinterest has got endless ideas which are very fascinating. Your Christmas wreath is looking good.

  4. haha....for last Christmas or this coming Christmas??? I did not do any crafting this past yr for Christmas but I have tons pinned in Pinterest!

  5. Good idea to come up with a Christmas decoration now! I always have good intentions for doing things, but then when December hits there's not enough time.

  6. You'll be all ready with that wreath when Christmas comes. In the meantime, hooray for Spring! I'm working from home again today because of the bad storm that's supposed to hit. :(

  7. What a great use for bows! It's really coming along nicely.
    17 days until spring - that IS encouraging!

  8. What a cute idea. It's never too early to get a jump on Christmas crafting.

  9. Love this, buddy. Great creativity! And, yes bring it on Spring. xoxo

  10. What a fun craft project! I love that you are doing it in advance. (not saying you're know!)

  11. What a great way to use up bows. It will be super cute when it's finished.

  12. The project is off to a good start and I am ready for spring because hopefully that means no more snow but probably not.

  13. What a great idea! The wreath looks so cute!

  14. So beautiful.


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