Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Another Project Off the List

Back in the Fall I helped my sister-in-law get her mom's house ready for an estate sale. She gave me these little fawns that her mom had kept in her garden. 

I put then in front of our house and there they stayed until last week when I decided to finally paint them. I brought them in and scrubbed them off. 

With the help of a bunch of pictures of fawns on the internet I was able to match the color and markings as close as possible. 

Here they are all done!

I think I got the markings pretty authentic. 

I even painted their eyeballs with clear nail polish to give them some shine! 

All I have left to do is spray them with protective sealant and they can go back outside.  

Last week we managed to get to an Estate Sale at this house.

I didn't take any pictures of the inside because there were too many people around. I wish I had though because it was beautiful! I loved it! It was a 3 bedroom 2 bath with a finished basement. When we looked it up on it was for sale for $620, 000! Real estate is insane these days! 

In other news. Shauna and Brad took the boys to Monster Jam last Sunday. They are both crazy for monster trucks and got to go down into the "pit" to get up close and personal with some of the trucks!

Levi informed me that was Megalodon! 

That's pretty much it for me right now.  

See you the next time! 


  1. Oh how I love your finished paint job with the fawns. And the clear nail polish idea was genius!!
    The boys, I am sure, had the time of their lives!!!

  2. Love the fawns, colours are just right. Briony. X

  3. You did a great job with the painting of the fawns!!! I'm impressed.

  4. Nice job on the deer. I prefer those to the real thing. Ha!

  5. You painted your two fawns in such a pretty way. The boys must have enjoyed the Monster Jam.

  6. You did so good with those fawns. They look real.
    I bet the boys loved that Monster Jam.

  7. You did a really good job on the deer. I used to buy things at thrift stores so I could touch them up with a fresh look. I haven't done that in a LONG time.

    My cousin sold his house in Salinas and moved to Ohio and bought out right. No mortgage. Boy it really makes me think but not if my sons didn't move too. Still tempting though.

    I remember when my boys were into those monster truck rallies. I'm sure your grandsons loved it.

  8. Looks like the deer was badly faded. You really got them to look so lifelike, the color is perfect!

  9. Those deer look amazing. You did an awesome job on them.
    That does look like a really nice house but over $600,000 seems crazy.

  10. You did great on painting the deer! Great idea!
    The boys are adorable!

  11. I am totally gobsmacked at how the boys are growing! They were just born the other day. So very cute.

    The deer? You did a great job. :)

  12. Are the fawns life sized? What kind of paint did you use - just in time for spring!
    That house looks nice on the outside, I bet the interior was nice.
    Monster Jam!

    1. I don't think they are life size, they are awfully small..but then so are fawns! I used a matt acrylic paint that I got at a craft store!

  13. Your fawn project turned out fantastic, Jeanette. Good job. This also means spring is almost here, right? Please say yes.

  14. You did a great job with the fawns! I like the way the eyes shine. Very clever.

  15. Not sure if that last comment went through I hope so!

  16. You did an awesome job on the fawns! They are so cute.

  17. The fawns are adorable and look so real. You did a great job!! Yay for Monster Truck Fun!

  18. Mercy -- over $600K for a house with TWO bathrooms? Nope, haha! Your fawns are SO cute! xoxo


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