Monday, February 6, 2023

February Photo A Day #6

Recently we lifted the mattress and box spring on our bed to clean underneath. It's where we store our card table and 4 chairs. 

It was our cat Smudge's favorite hiding place when people were over that he didn't know. Needless to say, we vacuumed more cat hair up in just that one spot than we get in the whole house! 

Then we placed the table and chairs in a position for easy retrieval before we put the mattress and box spring back down. 

See you tomorrow!


  1. Cool shot...I send my Romba underneath ours!Lol

  2. I keep our kitchen table ‘leaf’ under our bed and the dust is incredible.

  3. Oh I can imagine! We kept a large suitcase stored under the bed in the sewing room. That was Dumperoo's hiding place and sleeping place during the day. It was shocking to pull out the suitcase. I never did get all the hair off that suitcase.

  4. A suitcase and a box of old photos is what's stored underneath mine.

  5. You guys are masters at knowing how to store stuff. :)

  6. MY husband keeps his rifles under the bed in a rifle case. It gets dusty under there.

  7. Awww....what a sweet memory of your kitty and what a clever spot to hide the card table and chairs.

  8. Excellent idea! And you had a whole Smudge under there, I bet! xoxo


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