Tuesday, February 7, 2023

February Photo A Day #7

Back when our cat Smudge got suddenly very sick and we knew it was his time, it was after hours on a Friday night. We knew he wasn't going to make it through the night without a lot of suffering so we had to find an emergency vet.  We found a place that turned out to be heaven sent. They were wonderful from the first phone call to the time we left after it was over. 

The following week we received this card in the mail. 

Signed by the whole staff. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. Precious treasure!! As Was Smudge, I'm sure.

  2. So sad, but how heartwarming to be able to find an outstanding vet with a sweet staff. x oxo

  3. That is so sweet! I remember how hard it was when our cat had to be put to sleep, the staff were so kind and thoughtful.

  4. What a wonderful light in a dark time!!

  5. How sweet that is. I got a card from the vet when I had to have Duke put down but it was just one general signature. This is really awesome that not only did they all sign it but each wrote a personal message.

  6. Very thoughtful. Our vet sent us a card and flowers when our dog SammyJo was put to sleep.

  7. Our Vet and staff are the same way...they care!

  8. Our vet office sent a card and did a paw print for us when Jet passed. It is such a sweet thing to do. The card they sent you is so cute with the paw.

  9. Finding a good place to end his suffering...what a blessing.
    I've gotten some of those cards (too many this past year) from our vet's office and it's very sweet.

  10. I think that is so special. Our vet did the same when we lost our precious Javier. xoxo


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