Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Comfy Spaces and Estate sale

Last year our glass patio table was shattered by too much pressure from the umbrella. I posted about it in this post in case you missed it.  We spent the rest of the summer with just a couple of little side tables. This year I bought a new, smaller metal table that fits the space so much better and won't break!  

I bought new cushions for the chairs and cleaned up our umbrella. It was pretty dirty after sitting in our shed without a cover for a year. I took the cover off and put it in the washing machine. It came out really nice! Now our little deck is a comfy place to sit once again! 

Friday I was off work so I drove to the local park for my morning walk. 

It is a very pretty place to walk and a little hilly so it's a good work out! 

After my walk I happened upon an estate sale sign so of course I had to go to it! 

This is the house. 

It was not for sale but Zillow estimated its value at $575,000. You'll see why in a minute. 

Here's the kitchen.

Outdated of course but not too bad. I liked the peninsula with the stools around it. 

Here's the view out the window above. 

This is why the value is so high. It's on a lake! I knew there was a lake in this area I just wasn't sure exactly where. You can't see it from the road. 

Anyway, besides the view the house wasn't anything special and the prices were ridiculously high! 

I thought this sign was cute. 

And I have to agree! I liked these wine glasses. 

Not for $15 each though! There was this napkin dispenser. 

Cute and I know CocaCola stuff is popular, but they were asking $30 for it!

I liked this sign. 

They were asking $10 so I passed! 

I really liked these Christmas candles. 

Not for $20 for the set though! See what's underneath? That's right, Longaberger baskets! I hit the mother lode of them at this sale!

There was every kind and size of basket you could ask for! They ranged in price from $50 for the smallest one up to $500! They were all in beautiful shape, but don't they know that Longaberger baskets are a dime a dozen at estate sales this year? 

I almost told the people running the estate sale that the prices were way to high! 

Of course, I didn't buy anything at this one! 

I was happy enough just to enjoy the beautiful view! Wouldn't it be nice to have your morning coffee on this deck? 


Two days later I went back to the same sale because it was the last day and everything was 75% off (except the Longaberger baskets..they were 60% off). I ended up buying this pretty silver picture frame that was marked $2.  

And the welcome sign was still available, so I grabbed it. 

The candles above were still there and were now $5 for the set but I noticed a chip in one of them that I didn't see before so I passed. 

Total spent: $3. Now that's more like it!! 

Our Memorial weekend was nice. We both worked some of the days but managed to spend quality grandson time and attend a few barbeques!

I hope your weekend was filled with family, friends and good food! 

Thanks for stopping by! See you the next time! 


  1. I’m glad you were able to go back after the markdown. Your local park looks nice. Is there any shade?

  2. That stuff was priced high! Good for you on getting those deals.

  3. Your deck looks so nice now, what a cool retreat. Your area has more estate sales than anywhere I know of! I have never been to one, but you make me really want to. Those Longaberger prices are ridiculous! They are almost the same price as new ones! that is a strange kitchen! But it does look like it has a lot of cabinet space.

  4. Oh I like that park - everything is so green. I don't blame you, I would have not wanted to pay those prices either. Good call, to go back afterwards for the sales. That's how you do it!!!

  5. The park looks like a nice place to go walking.
    Nice that once again you have a great sitting place out on your deck.

  6. I can't tell you how many glass tables I had get broken because the wind caught the umbrella and took the table with it.
    I would love that view from the deck looking out at the lake. Glad you were able to go back when things were more reasonably prices. They sure were asking a lot for things.

  7. The new patio table looks really nice. I've always avoided glass top tables for the reason you mentioned. I love your new seat cushions too. That sale had high prices on things. I'm not surprised they had to really lower them. Glad you went back and got a few things you wanted.

  8. Love the new table and shade! Also, glad they came down on prices...I like baskets but not for $500 dollars! lol
    Beautiful lake view!

  9. Those prices do look high. Too high for me anyhow. :) But the view from that house is beautiful! I love your table and umbrella and your deck. Feels good to get space like that cleaned and ready to enjoy. I posted about the same thing today.

  10. Wow! That is a great view and I could get used to that. The patio space looks great and the weather looks pretty awesome too.

  11. I love your new table and cushions; it looks like an inviting spot!
    The lake view is amazing! I agree, they were asking too much for the items--crazy.

  12. Hahaaa those Longaberger baskets .... the nineties called and want them all back! xoxo


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