Thursday, June 8, 2023

An Interesting Estate Sale


The latest estate sale I went to was at this house. 

I've always loved houses with a long front porch. This house was not for sale yet but Zillow valued it at $375,000. 

My guess is a single man lived here because I only saw one bed although there was 4 bedrooms, and only men's clothes in the closets. 

And the decor of the whole house was sort of a Southwestern, Native American, cowboy theme. although it wasn't reflected in the kitchen.

The kitchen cupboards were filled with food and everything was $1

Here's more pictures. I liked this wolf clock. 

Boot jars going all up the staircase. 

Oh, and apparently he was a huge Elvis fan! 

This Elvis in an egg was pretty cool. There were two of them priced at $20 each.

And an Elvis phone. 

The best thing was this though. A model of Graceland for $50! 

It included a pink Cadillac, all of the graves and even a little set of gates with the Elvis silhouette and musical notes on them! 

It was adorable and I loved it! 

I didn't find anything to buy but it was definitely a fun estate sale to walk around!

In other news. 

The boys only have two more weeks of baseball and they got their medals. 

I snuck this picture of Rich at work the other day. 

He was busy marking down items that were nearing their expiration date. 

That's about it for me now. 

Thanks for stopping by and see you the next time! 


  1. That seems like an early end to baseball!

  2. This is such a modest home to be having an estate sale! I did enjoy and enlarge the pictures. Because the only way I will ever get to an estate sale is with YOU! There just aren't many around here. I do agree that a single man lived here

  3. Maybe it's just me but that house looks pretty small to be valued at over $300,000.
    My daughter in law is a big Elvis fan which is why they named their daughter Presley.

  4. My brother-in-law would have been in heaven at that sale. He's wild about Elvis, and collects everything he can with him on it.

  5. Yes, a man must have lived there by himself. :)

  6. "Interesting" is right! Go, Elvis!
    I wouldn't expect food in the pantry at an estate sale, but why not?

  7. How fun! Someone was an Elvis fan! lolol
    Love your estate sale post...never know what you'll find!
    The boys are Adorable!

  8. Elvis Lives! HA. That was a fun estate sale.
    The boys got medals; I love that. I hope they are having a blast.

  9. Wow that was some house.. so much stuff.

  10. I would have had a real hard time walking out of that Elvis room without any items. Take care, Jeanette.

  11. I wonder why he didn't just put the Elvis plates on the ceiling? He was almost there, haahaha! Congratulations to Max and Levi for winning their medals! xoxo

  12. That is quite the Elvis collection. And I had to laugh at Jenny's remark about hanging them on the ceiling. That is actually what my thought was when I saw that picture. I think you are correct that is is a man only house. Congrat's to the boys on the medals, that is an exciting start to summer.


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