Thursday, June 15, 2023

Phone Photo Dump

Not a lot going on around here. I haven't been to any estate sales worth mentioning lately. I hope to change that soon but, in the meantime, you get a dump of pictures from my phone! 

Shauna sent me this picture she took while driving one day. Someone has a weird sense of humor!

This pretty lupine that I spotted on my morning walk. 

I finished my Lego succulent garden! I worked on it during a few stressful days, and it was good to keep my mind off things! It's only about 5" x 5" and so cute! 

I saw this sign at an estate sale weeks ago, I just never published the picture! 

There is a turkey that always hangs out in the middle of an intersection by our house. This lady was trying to chase it off the street! The turkey would walk away and as soon as she walked back towards her car it would turn around and walk back into the street! 

Lastly, I'm embarrassed to admit that I can count on one hand the number of times I've made homemade whipped cream. For some reason it seemed like a tedious process to me so I just used Reddy Whip or Cool Whip when I needed it

However, recently I purchased a small carton of heavy whipping cream for something else and, not wanting to waste the rest of it I decided to whip it up into whipped cream to go with my strawberries! A little powdered sugar and vanilla and oh my gosh! So good and I will never purchase whipped cream again! 

That's it for me for now. Hopefully I will be back soon with an estate sale or two to tell you about! 

Thanks for stopping by! See you the next time! 


  1. Oh yeah REAL whipped cream ... I don't make it often (we actually love Reddi Wip) but it's such a treat! And on strawberries? Off the charts! Have you ever tried dredging a strawberry first through sour cream and then brown sugar? Oh my word. You cannot STOP once you have started that. So be warned. Your succulent garden is darling and that turkey ... mmmkay ... hahaaa! xoxo

  2. Hi Jeanette. Hope you get to some good estate sales soon. The lego project turned out great and homemade whipping cream is the best.

  3. The top photo - I wonder what it means? Funny. I love homemade whipped cream. I used to make it but it is so much easier from the can. I don't care for cool whip that much..

  4. Homemade whipped cream is the best! I have a gadget from Pampered Chef that lets you whip it by hand - it's works quick and easy, and then you can store it in the same container.
    Love that turkey, and that sign!

  5. That is too funny about the turkey. It would have been fun to watch.
    I'm lazy and always buy cool whip.

  6. The Turkey reminded me of our seagulls, they take such risks in the middle of the roads, I hate it when the young one's are around and haven't got road sense.

  7. Your little lego garden is so cute. Oh there is nothing like real whipped cream. Ken made my birthday cake a couple of weeks ago and iced it with whipped cream. Heavenly!!!

  8. Nothing better than the Real thing! Cool whip only if I'm out of cream.
    Love the lego! Too cute!
    The turkey!! Lolol...bless her one to the rescue?
    The driver of the truck has a sick sense of humor...
    Have a sweet weekend Buddy!

  9. The lego set is too cute! I had to laugh at the turkey. We see them frequently here too. Real whipped cream is the best and with strawberries...OMG yes!!

  10. I have NEVER made real whipped cream, so you're ahead of me. :)
    The turkey is hilarious. I love the succulent legos, but sorry you've had some stressful days. I've never seen Lupine in person--it's gorgeous.

  11. I enjoyed all your photos. The Lego garden is really cool. Turkeys crack me up. I hate whipping cream because of the noise. I’m okay with Reddi Whip!


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Mock Fried Rice

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