Sunday, June 25, 2023

Couple Quick Estate Sales

There is not an abundance of estates sales right now, but I did manage to get to a few and saw some interesting things! 

The first one was at this house. 

It was a pretty run down, outdated house but still Zillow estimated its value at $500,000 because it was on a decent sized lot and in a desirable area! 

This is the first time I have been to an estate sale where there was a big hulking guy at the front door telling me I can't enter with my purse! That is the absolute truth! He was huge...and blocking the door! So, I went back to my car and probably would have driven off but I saw lots of interesting things in the garage carport on the right and I wanted to check them out further! I admit there was an abundance small tchotchkes that would be easy to slip in your purse if you so desired! 

This time instead of Longaberger baskets this house was filled with clocks! 

This is only about a third of them because my phone died before I could take any more! All the clocks were very nice and beautifully restored. 

There was a work bench in the garage with tools and all sorts of clock parts and unfinished clocks! It was pretty obvious what this persons hobby was! 

The carport area had a ton of outside garden stuff, which I couldn't take any pictures of because, you know, my phone was dead. 

This was all I bought though. 

It's about 7" tall. I was planning on painting it black, the flowers and leaves in different colors and the swan white. Now I'm not so sure. I may just paint it one solid color and leave it at that. 

The next estate sale was at a condo complex that I had been to an estate sale there about a month or so ago. There is a man-made lake in the middle of it. 

This one wasn't for sale yet, but Zillow estimated it at $647,000. Insane. All the condos in this complex are beautiful but give me a break!

Anyway, I saw a few things I liked. 

This clock was very pretty and I thought a fair price at $12. I didn't buy it though. 

This cart was cute. Price: $50

I like the cat in the basket! 

The kitchen was nice! 

Loaded with all sorts of dishes! 

I liked this set of pottery dishes or stoneware, not sure what to call it. 

All the pieces were very sturdy. There was no price on it so I don't know what they were asking. 

Not like I was going to buy it anyway! 

Oh look, a Christmas Tree with a bunch of ornaments for sale!

Lots and lots of jewelry! 

There were some interesting animals, like this very realistic looking cat. It felt like real fur, too! 

But the best one was this dog. 

Both the cat and the dog, especially the dog, were so real looking! I actually started to say hi to the dog before I noticed the $30 price tag on its head! It wouldn't surprise me at all if that was a live dog at one time and was taxidermized after they passed! 

I loved this little figurine!

In case you can't read it it says, "If I only have 9 lives let me spend them all with you"

I bought Shauna several of these types of clowns when she was younger. 

I didn't buy it but I was tempted! 

This is the only thing I bought. 

A glass butter dish for $3. I don't know why but I thought it would be good to use when we have company! I guess I can impulse buy even at estate sales! 

That's all the excitement in my neck of the woods! 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. The second place is so interesting, the way the architecture is! I guess it's a good thing we don't have many of these sales here, we would go broke! I have been in a house with this many clocks. The man was a clock repairer by profession. I think there are not many left, as things now are built to be replaced, not repaired.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of clocks at that first one. They all look like antiques too.
    I was thinking the same thing about the cat and dog at the second one. It would be kind of creepy to buy a dog that had once been someone's pet.
    Real estate prices sure are crazy. I'm glad I'm not in the market to buy a house.

  3. That was a lot of clocks!
    The cat and dog are a bit creepy. I do wonder if they were pets that were taxidermized...

  4. Oh goodness! I would have love looking at all the clocks!! And come away with several...
    Love the butter dish!

  5. Wow, what a buncha stuff! As I was looking at the animals, I was also thinking they were alive at one time and stuffed (icky)
    That's an inviting looking condo from the walkway, but $647K, whew

  6. Wow! I love antique clocks and have two that are similar to ones in your photos.

  7. The clocks are all amazing. I have one that my grandfather made and I cherish it. The animals are creepy. I have a friend whose husband does taxidermy and I just couldn't do that to a deceased pet. Who in the world would buy them??

  8. So many clocks. Reminds me of a scary movie I once saw where all the clocks were chiming all the time.
    The stuff cat and dog are kinda weird, but also cute?

  9. Holy cannoli!! So many clocks. And I would love to have that dog.

  10. Oh my word! I have heard of a shot clock but this is a clock shop! Haahaha ... I do love clocks but not that many and I'm sure none of them would have fit in your purse ... BTW years ago up in Pennsylvania, my daughter and I went to an antique shop (quite a large one) where the lady told me to go and put my purse back in the car. I admit I was offended and I said, well, that's where my money is and it won't be spent here. Haahahaha and it wasn't. xoxo


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