Thursday, July 6, 2023


We had a nice 4th of July weekend. Just spent a little family time and went to the Independence Day Parade in Plymouth. 

It was pretty uneventful unless you count that our air conditioner decided to stop working on the two hottest days of the year! We had them out to fix it today and it's working for now. Unfortunately, we probably will have to have it replaced before the year is out! 

Anyway, I have recently decided to try to fill my house with houseplants! I always liked having plants but worried about my cats eating them and getting poisoned, so I never had many. Now that my cats are old they are not able to jump onto counters and tables so I don't have to worry about them eating any of them! 

I do have a Thanksgiving cactus and a snake plant and have had them for a long time. The cactus blooms ever year around Thanksgiving. 

I'm starting to have some issues with the snake plant though. 

It's growing roots above the soil and the leaves are curling inward. I have an app on my phone called Picture This.  You can take a picture of any plant and it will identify it and tell you how to take care of it. You also can take a picture of a sick plant and it will tell you what's wrong and how to fix it. 

Side note: There is also Picture This apps for bugs, birds and stones! I have all of them and use them often! 

The app told me that the snake plant is not getting enough water and it should be watered at least twice a week. Plus, I need to separate and repot it. 

I recently went to the garden center by my house and bought a few more. 

I've always loved African Violets and hope this one grows good. My book on houseplants (pictured above) that says they are difficult to grow but the sign in the garden store says they are easy! We'll see. I repotted it two weeks ago and so far it's doing good. 

This is a crispy wave fern. I got it for Mother's Day last year from my boss, Kate. It wasn't doing great but it's hanging in there. I moved it to get more light and repotted it to a bigger pot so hopefully it will grow big! 

This plant is called a scarlet star. According to my houseplant book you are supposed to keep the middle part filled with water. It's like a funnel. They said use rainwater but I'm not sure that's going to be happening here! 

This is a polka dot plant. My book says it's difficult to grow but the app says it's easy, so we'll see. It's very pretty and is also doing good!

Here's my little set up in my room. 

It's in front of a South facing window. The blinds are down and closed for picture taking purposes. Plus, I have a little water fountain running for some humidity in the air. The little card on top reminds me to water every Tuesday and Saturday.  and on the back is the date I fertilize. 

So wish me luck!  I haven't had much with plants in the past pre-cats. I'm hoping these guys thrive and if they do, I plan on adding plenty more! 

Next time I'll post about another estate sale! 

See you then. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I have a whole room of plants, and have posted about them several times. The easiest are Philodendron, and of course Snake Plant. You can Google top 10 easiest plants to take care of. Those African Violets! I am always reading they are either real easy or real hard!! So what's the deal? Anyway, do not get water on the leaves when you water it. It was good to buy different kinds, you can find out what does the best in your room.

  2. I could use that book. Just the other day I told Ken I'd like to get some house plants but didn't know what to get. I have philodendron but they are just green.

  3. All of your plants look great. I love houseplants but I'm terrible with them. I will look at them and think that needs watered then walk away and never water it.

  4. I have never had good luck with plants in the house. I think because we have so many trees in our yard, it's just not sunny enough.
    Our daughter Laura is a plant fanatic and they all grow well for her. Good luck with yours!

  5. Your Snake plant looks like you need to repot it with fresh soil...put it in a larger pot...snip those extended roots off then cover with soil. Bury it deep to cover those snipped ends. Water it lightly twice a week OR drench it once a week. I drench mine once a week and it's fat and sassy.
    I Love your polka dot plant! Gorgeous color!

  6. We have polka dot plants outside in pots and they’re doing great.

  7. I always had a catcus in my older teen life. I macramed a lot and had a hanging macramed piece holding a wooden bowl that contained some litttle catcus. When I married, I had about 30 or so indoor plants, but with a toddler it was hard keeping them all watered and leaves dusted off. I ended up giving plants away, now I only have three plants, and they stay on the deck till fall when I bring them in. Surprised they make it through the winter cause I forget to water. Plants are supposed to be good for inside to filter your air. I just hung around the house on the 4th except when I went to lunch with friends. I really did not enjoy lunch cause I was in some really wicked pain. But when I got home, I laid down and rested.

  8. It sounds like you had a nice 4th of July. Ours was pretty quiet but nice. I don't have as many houseplants as I used to. My mom always grew African Violets and they were all gorgeous. Just don't get the leaves wet. Hope you have a great Sunday.

  9. You got some lovely plants. Our snake plant has grown insanely. We are thinking we probably need to split it in to two pots.

  10. I love houseplants too. I was going to suggest you repot the snake plant and also suggest the Picture This App. I love it as well and need to get the Bug version.

    My Grandma always had African violets; she left them in front of a window in a shallow saucer or plate of water as they like to drink from below. Best of luck!!

  11. The plants look great and hope they live long and wonderful lives under your care. I also hope the AC hangs on for the rest of the summer.

  12. You have some very nice plants. I love plants but have a black thumb. My son planted some polka dot plants outside, they seem to be surviving, despite me.

  13. Well aren't you something! I love that polka dot plant but I can't grow anything. Just a failure. My mother could make a dead stick bloom. I love it that you have a special room devoted to your plants. xoxo


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