Thursday, July 13, 2023

Estate Sale #1000000000000

I hope you all are not getting tired of hearing about the estate sales I go to because I have another one for you! 

This is the house and before I go into what's inside, I want to talk a little about it. It is for sale and the asking price is $625,000.  Yes, that's a lot because real estate is crazy anymore, but this house sits on 3.5 acres which are 2/3 wooded. It has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a big front porch, good sized deck and a huge pole barn in the back. 

The house is older and definitely needs some updating but compared to some of the other houses or condo's I've seen at estate sales for a similar price, this is a bargain! You get so much more bang for your buck! I wish I could buy it! 

Anyway, to each their own! Now on to the inside. 

This is the dining room to the right of the front door. That wallpaper! Oy! 

The kitchen was a decent size, not huge and definitely needed updating. It had a nice tile floor though. Actually, the house had beautiful tile and hardwood floors throughout. 

This master bedroom (sorry primary bedroom!) was on the first floor. 

There was an attached bath and closet, but it was blocked by a dresser.  I really liked the little hallway that went to them. I was so tempted to slide the dresser over and go to look at them! 

I didn't get a lot of pictures of the basement or the upstairs. 

It was a walk-out basement. They had the door wall blocked with a couch. The window was fogged because it was a little steamy outside and freezing cold inside!  

There was a huge work out room, a huge office and a sewing room with hundreds of patterns and a couple of those dummies that you use to fit clothes. Someone was a big sewer! 

This huge corner bookcase was in the basement, also. It was filled with health and self-help books and the whole right side was books about houseplants and gardening. 

This staircase going up from the basement was so pretty! 

Inside was a few interesting things. I think this was some kind of decanter. 

There was a glass ship inside.

This was a square record on a turntable. 

Looks like one of the ones you used to get on a cereal box or in a magazine or something! 

This little juicer was cute. 

Remember when Potpourri Crocks were so popular? 

I had one on my kitchen counter for years and used it a lot! 

These skull goblets seemed out of place with the rest of the decor! 

Here's what I bought. 

This vintage Tupperware creamer and another glass butter dish. I know I just bought one, but I like this one so much better! 

A new box of 5 Gladware containers and a new box of slow cooker liners. I opened it at the estate sale to be sure they were all okTotal spent: $6

Lastly, here is a picture of my son's garden over there in New Hampshire. 

He's got the neatest, most well-kept garden I've ever seen! If only he would have been so neat and tidy in his bedroom all those years ago! 


I cut all the roots of my snake plant apart and repotted them in some fresh soil. It looks much happier now! 

Well, were off for our annual family vacation in a few days and I'll be back to tell you all about it! 

See you then and thanks for stopping by! 



  1. It's always interesting seeing these houses. I remember potpourri crocks and had one too. :)
    Your sons garden is beautiful!
    Happy vacation!

  2. What is it with you and butter dishes, haaahaha???? You're a hoot. I would totally have bought that antique juicer. Just saying. With the exception of the floors, I would have had to spend $100K on remodeling that house ... most of it spent in the kitchen. xoxo

  3. That is a bargain, just for the land! Have a great family trip. I’m trying to put one together for next summer which will be the first one since our kids got married.

  4. Your son's garden is awesome!!This is an unusual looking house. My, the primary bedroom is HUGE!!! And the kitchen needs all new countertops! OY, that wallpaper!!!

  5. I never get tired of reading about the estate sales you go to. That's a nice looking house. LOVE that staircase.
    Your sons garden looks amazing.

  6. I'm never bored with your estate sale posts. My first thought of that kitchen - that wallpaper!
    Love your son's garden. I guess it's worth the messy kid bedroom?

  7. I like seeing all the different houses. A big house on a good hunk of land.
    Love the glass butter dish!

  8. I always enjoy your estate sales - I don't see many of them here. Only garage sales. Lol.

    Have fun on your vacation.

  9. Of Course I love your estate sales!! SO fun...
    The house price is still too high for me as well...If the bottom falls out of the economy, you'll be able to buy it for a song.
    Cool purchases!!

  10. The wallpaper IS hideous!
    I love the vintage Tupperware you purchased and I was gonna point out: YOU JUST GOT A BUTTER DISH. Lol. 😳😜

    That garden is to.die.for. He's so talented. yeah, I'd also wonder where the neatness all of a sudden came in. 😜

    Have a great family vacation.

  11. It is a very beautifull House. A big House, with enought bedrooms and rooms. This acres. The price It is what It is. For someone can thing.expemsive and for others can be cheap. It depends. The House is.big.anf beautiful. Very good photographs of the House.

  12. Love the garden and what you showed us of the house, it looks big. That first room you showed though, the wallpaper would have to go. Being I live in TN and I see how prices have gone up and up, and down, but back up and up! haha...that price is not that bad for the land and the size of the house.

  13. I would love to have that house, give or take the wallpaper. Your son has a very nice garden. Have fun on your vacation.

  14. That is a really pretty butter dish.
    Our snake plant has gotten so large we need to split it. Yours is looking really nice and healthy.

  15. I love your estate sale posts. I like this house but yes it needs some updates. That wallpaper hurt my eyes. But the floors and that stair case look gorgeous. You got a nice deal for $6. The garden is awesome! Enjoy your vacation!! Stay cool.


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