Saturday, November 10, 2012

Brenda's Photo Challenge-Autumn In All Her Glory

It's  Brenda's Photo Challenge time! This one is about Autumn In All Her Glory!

Michigan can certainly put on a beautiful color show in the fall. Note the header  for my very favorite fall picture!

This was taken at the same time. A carpet of amber leaves!

I think that the courtyard of the hospital give the most variety of color during peak color season.

Click the link above to see more of Autumn in all her glory!


  1. Love the header as well!
    Those are beautiful trees Jeanette...One looks like a maple?!! Lovely color!
    Great job Girl!

  2. Wonderful, buddy!

    Love these, and that header is awesome!


  3. Love the colours, beautiful!

  4. She certainly had colorful, brilliant, petticoats up in your area. Love the shots especially the header, Wow!

  5. Lovely finds, it is a fun season to take pics

  6. Lovely pics, Net! All of those colors are just gorgeous!!! xoxo

  7. Oh my--that last picture is gorgeous. Soon, they will all be bare and covered in snow

  8. Wow, that one tree sure is RED! I love the carpet of fallen leaves. And I especially love your seasonal header photo!

    Sorry that I'm late in commenting on the challenge photos, but I was gone and I'm just now getting caught up.


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