Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February Photo A Day #13

 Seen from the parking lot when I left work the other night. 

There was actually 4 of them but one walked away before I could take the picture. Surprising because there is not a lot of wooded area right around where they were. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. They are so fun to see - except on the road in front of you!

  2. Looking for food. They are such gentle creatures.

  3. What a cool find. It seems that they have to travel further and further to find food. They do like to come out and eat at dusk, that is when we have the most warnings about driving. Many around here are dead on the side of the road, glad these are alive!

  4. Always nice when you get to see deer.
    We had a few of them spend the afternoon in our yard yesterday.

  5. Always fun to see something like this. The only time I've ever spotted them was when they were running out in front of my car while I was driving.

  6. It seems like they grow bolder and bolder! A few months ago three big deer appeared in front of our car on a busy road. TG was driving and he wasn't close to hitting them but I nearly died from shock, hahaha xoxo


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