Monday, February 26, 2024

February Photo A Day #26

This is our refrigerator currently. I collect magnets from everywhere we take a trip to and have been collecting them for a lot of years. I always write the month and year on the back of each one. Besides these I also have a shoe box full of ones that I "retired" about 10 years ago. 

Most of the ones on the left side are from places we visited out of state and the ones on the right are mostly from Michigan with a couple out of state ones.

I am feeling the need to clear clutter from my life and this refrigerator looks pretty cluttered to me so I'm thinking of taking them all down. We'll see....

Next post I'll show you what's on the side. 



  1. I also collect some magnets but they do get to be too cluttery...took mine down, as well.

  2. It was fun to see where you’ve been. I don’t think magnets stick to our stainless fridge, so I guess there’s a coating that prevents that.

  3. That's a fun collection. Nothing sticks to the front of ours either, so we have to keep any magnets on the side.

  4. I like fridge magnets but hate the clutter so it’s, back and forth with me. I clear it all off and slow but surely I start adding some. A never ending struggle.

  5. I used to have a lot on my fridge but I grew tired of it and took them all down.

  6. What a cool thing to collect, and cheap as well. I have seen where you get a cookie sheet (you can frame and decorate it if you want) Anyway, hang it up and put your magnets on it!! Clean fridge and a magnet display both!

  7. I have magnets on my refrigerator too. I was just thinking the other day that I should just take them all down and get rid of them.

  8. I do love magnets too! Our current fridge doesn't allow for them, so mine are also in a box.

  9. Awesome! I don't have as many as you but I collect a magnet from everywhere we go too. I love them! Also have some retired ones, hahaha! xoxo


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