Thursday, February 29, 2024

February Photo A Day #29

What better way to end this year's photo a day project bonus picture than by showing you these guys!

They certainly are the bonus of my life! 

Thanks for coming along with me this year! I always enjoy finding different things to post each day. 

I'll be back soon with a before and after of our bedroom redo. 

See you then and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. You did it! Good job on completing the month and this pic of those cuties is the perfect way to end.

  2. I really enjoyed your photo a day. Love the picture of your two grandsons. So adorable.

  3. I always enjoy your February photo of the day. Maybe next year I’ll join you and get others to join.
    You saved the best for last! They are so cute. Thanks for a wonderful February.

  4. An adorable end to this month.

  5. Yes, the perfect way to end your goal. :)

  6. They are beautiful and do look alike! I can see why you love them so much, they have such a sweet look about them.

  7. They are the cutest boys and such a gift!!

  8. Awww...They are growing up so Fast!! Adorable!

  9. I've enjoyed your February photos.
    You saved the best for last, the boys are adorable

  10. Look at those precious little guys! I know they're probably as mischievous as any two boys but all I see is sugar, hahaa xoxo


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