Sunday, February 4, 2024

February Photo A Day #4

Here's a throwback picture of me and Rich in 1975. It was the summer after I graduated from high school and 2 years before we got married. 

Gosh, we were babies! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. AWESOME!!!! Love, love this photo. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. Just what I was going to say, you were babies!
    Cute picture!

  3. according to your comment on my blog, you are a couple yrs older than me, so yes, you were still a babe in that pic. I was 15 when you took that pose.

  4. Love it. I just scheduled a post with a bunch of my old school pictures.

  5. Love the throwback picture ❤️

  6. Lovely photo. I was living in Scotland then. :)

  7. Isn't it fun to look back at old photos? The bell bottoms are coming back. I saw a pair in the store this past weekend. I thought nope, been there done that.

  8. Oh my goodness! I look back at those old pics and wonder how we survived! Y'all were so cute! xoxo


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