Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February Photo A Day #7

 These are the binders that we use at work for different things.

 The first one is a disaster manual that pretty much speaks for itself. The second is and Elopement Binder which is the procedure if a resident goes missing. The next one is the sign up for Outings. This month they are going to Kohls, Target, Dollar Tree, and a classical piano concert. The next one, Census, is where the daily lists of residents in and out goes. It changes almost every day. Then next one is the Package Log where we keep track of packages delivered for residents. Then there is Outside Care, where we keep the forms for anyone who is not staff coming in to care for the residents. The last one is Transportation where the residents can request transportation to different places and doctor's appointments. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. What would we do without our binders? We had a lot of the same ones when I worked in the skilled facility. Not packaged though - that's a good idea!

  2. Goodness! Lots of binders...Busy Lady!

  3. What a lot to keep sorted! But the binders are a good way of organizing. Also, this looks like a really good place, where there are very few.

  4. Sounds like it's all covered. It's very organized.

  5. There is a lot of logging going on there!! Must keep everything tracked for safety.

  6. Good heavens! That's a lot of documentation. The Elopement one would interest me the most, hahaaha xoxo


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