Monday, September 30, 2024

6 1/2 Weeks and Two-handed Typing

It's been 6 1/2 weeks since my shoulder surgery and things are going really well! 

At my 3 week follow up the doc told me that it was 50% healed and would be 100% healed after 6 weeks. 

I told him I was concerned about re-tearing it but he said at that point it would take something catastrophic like a car accident or a fall down the stairs! Yikes! 

None of that happened 😁so I was able to stop wearing the arm brace after 6 weeks and it was none too soon! That thing was hot and itchy and I was totally over it! 

My shoulder is still pretty sore and my range of motion is a little limited but physical therapy is going great and helping a lot! I should only have a few weeks left!

It's so nice to hit milestones like being able to put my hair in a ponytail and put deodorant on my left armpit again! 

Speaking of my putting my hair in a ponytail, Rich was doing it for me by using the vacuum cleaner hose. He would wrap the band around the end of the hose, suck my hair into it and then roll the band off the hose onto my hair! LOL! Sounds crazy but it worked really good! 

I went back to work after 3 weeks because I was going stir crazy at home. They were so glad to have me back and I missed all the residents! 

Rich and I had to get new passports because our old ones expired two years ago, and we are going on a cruise in January. 

I call these photos our mugshots! 

We went to a fundraiser walk at the Detroit Zoo. 

It was fun to walk around with the boys although it was pretty warm out and the animals were barely active! 

And our Levi turned 6 years old on the 27th. Gosh, time sure flies by!

His party was at a skating rink. 

Here he is helping his little friend skate! 

I got this picture of this little sparrow drinking from our hummingbird feeder. 

He kept coming back for more! He was loving that sweet water! 

We are going to take a little trip up north next weekend. Just for a few days but it will be nice to get away! I'll tell you all about it when we get back. 

That's pretty much all that's going on right now. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I'm glad your shoulder is doing so well, and I know they were happy to see you at work again.
    I've heard of doing ponytails like that. Good job Rich!
    Those are good passport photos.
    I can't wait to hear about your weekend trip.

  2. I’m glad you are healed and getting back to normal. I’ve never had another bird try our hummingbird feeder. Have a great trip!

  3. Yea for you!!! I'm glad this phase of your life is completed and repaired!
    I remember it vividly. It's been since November 2022, and my shoulder feels better than ever. The physical therapy I received was truly a godsend. However, I still find myself subconsciously protecting it, even though there's no real reason to do so. It's all in my mind, but I can't shake the feeling that I might reinjure it. My left shoulder is also torn, per MRI - although not as severely as the right one. I've been careful to protect it as well, adjusting how I lay at night when I sleep, and being mindful of it throughout the day.

    The most challenging aspect was definitely dealing with the discomfort caused by the shoulder brace and the awkwardness of that pillow contraption. I decided to have it done during the winter because a friend had warned me about how unbearably hot it can get— It all worked out.

  4. So good to know how well you have been doing, and that you have been able to get out and have some fun. Your husband is so creative. We laughed and laughed about his ponytail solution!

  5. How exciting that your shoulder is healing well and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  6. So glad to hear that your shoulder is healing so well.
    Have you ever been on a cruise?
    Hope you enjoy it. We went on a cruise 15 years ago and I must say I am not fond of them

  7. Glad to hear your shoulder is doing so well. How nice to finally get that brace off. I've seen videos of people doing the vacuum cleaner thing for pony tails.

  8. Happy Dayz are here again for you! Glad that you have better range of motion!! I Loved the vacuum cleaner method of sucking up your ponytail! Lolol
    Happy birthday to Levi! He's adorable...
    Can't wait to see photos from the trip!

  9. Your husband's pony tail method cracked me up!

  10. I had a giggle at your mugshots. You both look fantastic. I'm SO glad you are on the other side of this surgery; it must be horrible not being able to do things for yourself. I mean, when the vacuum and your husband are doing your hair, it must be dire. 😆 (we needed a video of that!)
    happy birthday to Levi!

  11. Glad that your shoulder is healing well.
    Happy late birthday to Levi.

  12. I'm so happy to hear that your shoulder is doing much better. I had to laugh at the pony tail method. I've seen a video of that. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

  13. Oh wow I would pay money to see Rich vacuuming your hair in order to get it into a ponytail, hahaha! Years ago I was told I needed to have a shoulder tear repaired and when I found out what recovery was like, I said HARD PASS, hahaha! Can you imagine me not being able to put on my makeup and do my hair? That is TERRIFYING! Hahaha! I am so glad you're doing better. Your passport photos are great! xoxo


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