Monday, December 9, 2024

Phone Photo Dump

 Tine to clear the pictures off of my phone! 

Every Christmas I get ornaments for the boys. I try to get ones that reflect what they have been doing all year. We usually go to Bronner's during the summer to get them and they personalize them for free.  Last year I didn't really like the choices I had so this year I ordered them from elsewhere and personalized them myself. 

This is Levi's 

He's been obsessed with fire alarms and smoke alarms for most of this year, so it was only appropriate to get him this one. 

This is Maxwells. He had discovered roller blading and loves it!

His roller blades are black and red, so this one was perfect. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture after I personalized them but they both said their name, the year, a heart and Nonnie and Bonk. 

This picture was taken around Halloween. There is a very modern looking house in DT Plymouth that looks really out of place with the old houses. but it's a nice-looking house. 

They had these two giant skeletons in the front yard, and it may be hard to tell but they were both painted silver! They looked pretty cool actually!

I took this picture on my way to my dentist office a few weeks ago. 

These geese were certainly taking their time crossing the road. They had several cars stopped both ways! 

One of the residents at work had this gingerbread house made for them by their granddaughter! 

It's super cute! 

I took the boys to Home Depot last Saturday for a kids workshop. We had a lot of fun! 

They made snow globes! Here they are modeling their aprons and their projects! 

Finally, I passed this house today on my way running errands. 

I think they are a little obsessed with blow up snowmen! 

OK That's it for me for now. 

I replaced my miniature tree with a bigger miniature tree so I'll be showing you that next time. 

See you then and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Can't wait to see your tree! The ornaments are such a cool thing, really family heirlooms that can be looked at years later. Too many snowmen!!!

  2. I bought my kids an ornament each year that related to something they had been interested in. When they moved out I gave them the box so they had the beginnings of a collection.

  3. The ornaments are great! What a special keepsake for them
    What fun to take the kids to Home Depot. They looks so cute in the aprons.
    Yes, that's a few too many snowmen for me too.

  4. Oh for goodness sakes - those geese just taking their sweet time! Glad you got a photo of that - it’s cute! Hey, they were here first!!
    The ornaments for the boys are cool. Good idea. And their snow globes and Home Depot aprons! Train them young. Boy what a lovely gingerbread house. Wow. The blow up Santa’s are everywhere .

  5. Cute ornaments. Back when my kids were little I used to make them a new one every year. I don't know why I stopped.
    The Home Depot workshop must have been a lot of fun for the boys . I think it's so cool that they do that.
    That's a lot of blow up ornaments in that yard.

  6. I’ve always thought those Home Depot workshops for kids look fun! Merry Christmas!

  7. That's a great idea about getting the ornaments every year.
    Fun times for the boys to make snow globes!
    Love their Home Depot aprons.
    I just don't get the skeletons! :)
    Wow that sure IS a lot of blow up snowmen!!

  8. Such great photos, my friend. And I love that Gingerbread house, what wonderful work, smiles.

  9. I enjoyed all the photos! That last one with all the blow-up! I'm just not crazy about those blow-up things. Around here, most of them lay on the ground deflated all day. The boys are so cute. Those are nice keepsake ornaments.

  10. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I buy an ornament on each vacation. My tree is small so I usually pick a few favs and rotate them each year. I want one of those skeletons for halloween sooo bad!! And I forgot all about the kids workshop at Home Depot. Clint took Valerie a few times when she was really small - lots of fun!

  11. I see lots of those inflatable yard decorations just lying flat in vinyl puddles on lawns and I don't understand that! Make it make sense, hahaha! I cannot believe how big those boys are getting! Such handsome fellows! And industrious too! The geese are cute. I hope no one got hurt. TG had to STOP in the middle of a residential street on our way home from church a few weeks ago for a family of at LEAST half a dozen deer. I am terrified of hitting one. xoxo

  12. I love the ornaments, reflecting on their current interests...and of course I had a chuckle about the fire alarm. Kids are so funny.
    The blow up decor is too much for me; I'm old school I guess!
    Merry Christmas


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