Thursday, May 6, 2010


As I type this, Shauna is doing her pre-employment testing here at the University of Michigan for a possible job in Neurology. I hope I am not jinxing her by mentioning it here and I really hope she gets this job. She has worked at a grocery store for the last 10 years and she is so done with that. She has a Bachelor's in Behavioral Sciences and a certificate in medical billing so getting her foot in the door here would be a good start to bigger and better things!

It has been beautiful and sunny here this past week. I love spring. My flowers are going crazy and look at the size of my clematis!!


It should start getting blooms pretty soon!

LATER: I wrote the above post earlier at work this morning. Since then Shauna did excellent on her tests and they already called and got a good reference from her present employer. All that's left now is for them to officially hire her..which they better do after all that! I am excited to have my daughter working at the same place I do!

"OK I see that bird and if you would just let me out of here I think I can nab it!"


  1. Have been thinking about Shauna all day! I hope it works out as it sounds like it will. :)

    Your yard is SO pretty!!

    Oh, and btw I haven't been able to get to P.O. yet but will as soon as I can.

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow!! :)

  2. My fingers are crossed for your daughter!

  3. Here's praying for her Sweetie!!!!

  4. Got fingers and toes crossed for her!

    Spring is so full of new beginnings, isn't it?


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Mock Fried Rice

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