Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brenda Photo Challenge-Orange

I'm back for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This one is perfect for this fall season!

Orange and reflection.

Unburnt orange candle.

Orange glow of the toaster!

Click above to see more Brenda Photo Challenge Orange pics!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last Weekend Recap

So last weekend we took a little trip to the western side of the state, namely Holland, Saugatuck and South Haven. Our main purpose was to visit a few state parks with our metal detector, and also to see a glorious sunset on Lake Michigan. Neither of which was memorial. Saturday morning started out fine but the farther west we drove, the cloudier it got until it rained and did not stop for the whole day! Our first stop was Holland State Park.

It was raining so we didn't stay for too long. Took a walk on the pier to the lighthouse.

After unsuccesful metal detecting on the beach we decided to leave the state park and visit Windmill Island. This is a actual working windmill. It's huge!

We took a short tour. Did you know that the whole top turns so the blades can catch the wind and that it's done by hand by the miller, who happens to be a woman? Pretty interesting stuff! The next stop was Saugatuck Dunes State Park.

Unfortunately, it was a 2.5 mile hike to get to the dunes and neither of us wanted to hike in the rain. We did some detecting in the parking area but no luck there!

Nice looking trail, though! Did a quick stop in the town of Saugatuck..voted one of the best little towns in the country. They were having some kind of celebration but it was raining so we didn't stay long. Finally on to South Haven where this was the most we could see of the sunset!

Too bad because it's such a pretty sunset on the lake! We stayed the night in South Haven and the next morning dawned bright and sunny! So off we went to Van Buren State Park.

Here we are..the mighty hunters!

It was a beautiful morning and we spent several hours in the park metal detecting. The waves on Lake Michigan were spectacular!

I tried several times to upload a video but blogger wouldn't let me!

So I didn't get to see my beautiful sunset but it was nice to get out of town for a night, anyway!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday Finds

We had a great weekend visiting three different state parks and I will be telling you about that but first I need to show you my Friday garage sale finds.

I bought this clock for a quarter because I needed it for my craft room.

I figured for a quarter even if it didn't work, I could use the frame for something. Anyway, I put a battery in it and of course, it didn't work! So I did what any tech-savvy person does, I hit it on the counter and it started working! Keeps great time, too!!

I also bought this jewelry. Everything you see here for $3.25.

The little Halloween charm I gave to Shauna. I'll use the black cord for a particular necklace I am making, and everything else I took apart for beads. Well, the bottom necklace I left together for now because it's actually very pretty and I may wear it sometime!

I am really getting into the jewelry stuff lately. I have made countless pairs of earrings and a few necklaces, a lot of it out of jewelry I bought at different garage sales. One of these days I may get good enough to actually sell some stuff!

In other news, today would have been my moms 78Th birthday. I miss her so much still! She would be a great-grandmother now too which she would have loved!

OK, soon I will tell you all about our little weekend excursion! Till then


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just checkin' In!

Jeez, it's been pretty boring around here lately! No great State Parks to share with you, no garage sales lately.

Saturday, I got my Nonna/mom's sewing machine from my Dad's house. Finally! He's been holding it hostage for the past year! Actually, he was using it to display his collection of old model cars and when I offered to bring him a old sofa table that he could use instead, he agreed! My friend Marie has a truck so she graciously offered to help me. We had breakfast as we usually do on Saturday mornings and then ran right over there!

I played on that treadle when I was a kid! Holding on and bouncing up and down! I remember my grandmother sewing on it. It's missing some parts and the cabinet is in much need of restaining but I love it for it's sentimental value! The drawers are loaded with my Nonnas threads and zippers, pins and needles and probably some of the missing parts too!

Fall is so close now I can smell it in the air! It was only 62 degrees today! I have a love/hate thing with Fall. I love the colors of the leaves changing, the cool nights for sleeping, apple cider and donuts, walking down the sidewalk kicking dead leaves.

I hate Fall because it is the end of summer and the beginning of another long cold Winter!

Well, I'm off this Friday so I probably will be hitting some garage sales. Plus we are going to Saugatuck and South Haven this weekend! I plan on watching the sun set on Lake Michigan and we have plans to hit at least three state parks for some metal detecting. I'll have lots of pictures to share! Should be fun!


Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...