Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lazy Weekend

We're pretty much wrapping up the State Parks for the year. We've been to most of them on the lower part of lower Michigan and some of them more than once! We did hit one more last weekend:

Geese seem to be the only ones left hanging around anymore!

Other than that not much going on around these parts.

Last night we went to see a famous Halloween street about a hour away from our house. It was CRAZY busy! People were lined up around the block to be able to walk slowly down the street and see the decorated houses.

This was a animated ghostly orchestra playing music!

I also got to meet a fellow blogger, Dolly of From My Cherry Heart! She lives on that block and was the one who told my about it! I only talked to her for a short time but I am just so excited to finally have met a fellow blogger! She said their street gets over 2000 visitors a night for weeks during the Halloween season! If you click on the link she has lots of pictures!

Today I did not do much but tinker around the house...putting summer clothes away and getting winter clothes washed and ready to wear. Every year when I put my summer stuff away I always say a little prayer that it still fits me come next Spring!

I know we're bad people but I did not buy candy for tonight. We are going to close up the front of the house before dark and skip Halloween this year! Rich has a colonoscopy tomorrow (and you know what that means for him today!) and I just didn't want to buy any candy to tempt him! Plus, we don't get many kids anymore and all that doorbell ringing just freaks the cats out anyway!!

Oh well, gotta go! I got a frozen California Pizza Kitchen white pizza ready to go into the oven! Hey, I just didn't want to temp Rich with CANDY...I didn't say nothing about pizza!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Round Robin Photo Challenge

This photo is for the Round Robin Photo Challenge! The theme is "Bridge" and what better bridge to show you than the beautiful Mackinaw Bridge connecting upper and lower Michigan! It's 5 miles long and is the longest suspension bridge in the United States, and the third longest in the world! It is the pride of my beloved home state!

Click above to see more bridge pictures!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stuff We Find That's Not Money

Our metal detector has a numerical code that can tell us what we are looking for most of the time. For example a quarter is usually 112 or two quarters together are around 126. A nickle or gold reads around 33, but so does a pull tab from a can so we dig a lot of them up!

When we metal detect we don't always find and keep just money.

Sometimes we find interesting non-money things.

This religious medal...says Adjesum per Mariam on it. It was deep so it had been there for a while.

And this little thing.

This pin that I've posted a picture of before is pretty interesting. Looks like someone put a lot of work into it.

Found "Teddys" tag. He belongs to Aricka! Actually, that one was down about 6 inches!

We also have found a few bullets.

And this...whatever it is. I say if weird things start happening at our house we get rid of it fast!!

I think that's what's so addicting about this hobby. You never know what you're going to dig up!!

In other news..I got a award at work! A patient sent in a request for me to receive this.

Always nice to be appreciated.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Had a rough week at work last week. I even wore two different colors of shoes one day! I didn't say anything and no one even noticed anyway!

Plus I had to work Friday because my coworker wanted the day off. I was glad to see the weekend come!

On Saturday we went to Brighton State Recreation Area again. We were there in June but it was a stormy day so we didn't get to stay very long. This time it was a bright sunny day, although a bit cool.

The sun was shining so pretty off of the water!

I noticed that all of the picnic tables were handicapped accessible! I think that is the first time I have ever seen that!

We walked around a couple of different areas with the metal detector but didn't find too much. We found a silver medal which I will show you in another post. We did find a quarter in the cedar shaving around a swing set.

This is just how we found it. About two inches down! I love when we find quarters!

Today we went to my great-nephews baptism! Now it's already time to get ready for another week! Hope it's a easy one!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Fast Food

It's already time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This one is Fast Food...tough one!

As far as I'm concerned fast food is anything you don't have to do much to to eat!

Like apples...just give 'em a quick wash!

Or just open the can and dump it in a bowl!

Is take out pizza considered fast food? Sure don't lack for coupons anyway!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 10/10/10!!

Happy 10/10/10! It won't happen again until November 11th of next year!

The weather this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! 70-80 Friday, Saturday and today!!

Yesterday we finally got our new furnace installed. It's only been sitting in our basement for the past 6 months! The old furnace had a crack in the heat exchanger and was leaking a minute amount of carbon monoxide. We still used it for the end of the winter last year but with two C02 detectors! Anyway, our friend Mark installed the new one for us and he did a wonderful job. Poor guy spent the whole day, from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm in our basement! I felt bad that he missed one of the last few warm days we are going to have this year! Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about getting asphyxiated in our sleep anymore!

Today we went to Sterling State Park again ..this time to walk a trail.

It was a nice walk, about 3 miles maybe. Then we spent a few hours with our metal detector. Did not have a lot of luck at the state park, but stopped at a local park for a hour or so and found several quarters and a token. I was nice to be outside in the sunshine!

Came home and made skillet lasagna for dinner. Yum!!

Now I am about to park my tired butt on the couch for some tv time.

Dexter is on tonight!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Happy October!

Fall is upon us now. The leaves on the trees are just beginning to turn and the nights are getting very cool. Wonderful for sleeping! Last night we probably could have put the furnace on but we always put that off for as long as possible. However, makes for some chilly dressing in the morning!

We still continue to go out with our metal detector on weekends. Two weekend ago we went to Highland Lake Recreation Area and Pontiac Lake Recreation Area. Highland Lake Recreation area seems to be mostly for people to bring their dogs to train and to hunt. This guy was sitting in the back of one of the trucks parked in the lot.

He kept looking at us and whining...I wanted to let him out!

There was one section of the recreation area that had a nice picnic area and shelter. It also had the old rangers house, long abandoned. It was pretty creepy right there in the woods!

Pontiac Lake Recreation Area was huge! We only covered a small part of it but did pretty good. We plan on going back there soon.

Last weekend we just decided to hit a few local parks. On Saturday, at a little park right by the lake I found this:

I was so excited to find my first ring! I don't think the diamond is real, but I will take it to a jeweler to be sure.

The next day we went to another park which is fairly close to our house. This one has a amphitheatre and they have a big carnival every year. Anyway, around the amphitheatre we found 11 quarters! We only hit a small fraction of the park so we will definitely be going back!

Tonight I am having dinner with a few old friends! Should be fun!


Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...