Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! We had a pretty busy weekend. I was off on Friday so it was a extra long holiday weekend for me!

Saturday was a beautiful morning. Marie and I took a walk and then had breakfast. When we were done we stopped at the Plymouth Farmers Market and I bought a Foxglove to plant in our backyard. It's really pretty and it attracts hummingbirds!

Later in the day we went to Lowe's and I bought a May Night Salvia to plant in the same flower bed. This is supposed to attract hummingbirds, too!  I've already seen one on another bush so hopefully we'll see a lot more with these plants!

Pretty plants to decorate Tori's grave, which is under that rock. Speaking of that rock, I made Rich take (steal) it off the beach in Mackinaw City about 15 years ago! It was one of many rocks scattered around so I figured they wouldn't miss it! Now it marks where be buried our beloved Tori last year.

Anyway, we need one more plant for this side of the yard. I am not sure what I'm going to get but I hope to find something yellow or blue to mix up the colors a little bit. I did see a yellow iris but I'm not sure I want that. I plan on looking around a little bit first before I decide what I want.

We also have these hostas that need to be transplanted because they are right in the middle of the yard where our shed used to be. We'll probably put them along the back fence.

On Sunday we went to my brothers for a BBQ. They have a pool but the water temp was 70, which is WAY to cold to swim! Especially for me who must have at least 89 degrees before I go in! Little Dominic was having a blast sticking his feet in there, though!

Monday we had the kids over for a BBQ and to celebrate Chris and Marissa's birthdays. It was pretty hot out, too! It was a nice change from cool temperatures and a ton of rain that we had last week!

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend.

Let the white wearing begin!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Stuff

It was a really beautiful weekend and we got a lot done outside! It's amazing how much difference sunshine makes!

Friday we went to dinner with Don and Linda. They were celebrating their 28th wedding anniversary. Their first date was actually our wedding almost 35 years ago!

Saturday was spend doing various chores all over the house. Shauna came over and did some laundry. We got some flowers planted and did a general clean up around the outside of the house.

I mentioned before that my lilac bush is not doing very well...

It hardly got any blooms and it not looking too good on the inside either!

Earlier in the week I took a walk down a fairly busy street. All of the housed that back up to the street have privacy fences. One of them had this cute little doggie window in it!

That's all for now. Have a good week!!

"I see that bird and I just know that if you let me out I can get it!"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge--May Flowers

May flowers is the theme for this next Brenda Photo Challenge!

Easy and fun..

This is a flowering bush in our backyard. I don't know what it's called but it gets these pretty red flowers in the Spring!

You gotta love pansies! They are the most resilient little flowers!

We got lots of these purdy yellow flowers!!

OK it's fake...but it is a flower and it's May so it qualifies!!

Check the link above for more great May flower pictures and have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for visiting and if your not already a follower, please become one!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring But With A Price

This week is dragging by for some reason. It's only Tuesday yet I feel like it should be Friday...not that the weekends are all that exciting either!

This past weekend was dreary and rainy. We got a whole week of warm sunshine and I guess we had to pay for it on the weekend. Sunday it rained all day and the sun finally came out as it was setting! Plus it's been chilly so we had to turn our furnace on again for the evenings!

Saturday we went to dinner with Chris, Marissa and her mom for a belated Mother's Day! Went to Mongolian BBQ which was delicious!! It's always nice to see them!

Our resident bunny seems to be a fickle little thing! He or she disappears for days at a time and then just when we think she's gone for good, she's back..running around the yard, eating our bird seed and digging in the barrel. I don't think there will be babies, though. That's OK because I'd probably lose sleep worrying about them anyway!!

My lilac bush is not doing well at all. It only has a few blooms this year and they're small. I think it's on it's way out. The inside of the bush is all dead. We'll probably cut it back and see if that helps, but I'm not holding any hope. The clematis however, is growing gangbusters again this year! I'll have pictures later when it starts to bloom!!

I'll leave you with this picture:

Who dares to say we spoil our cats???

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Daffodils for Mom

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mother's out there. Brought a bunch of daffodils to the cemetery for my mom today.

I went fairly early so no one else had gone there yet. It was a beautiful morning too! It's so nice to see the sun shining!! Lord knows we all needed some nice days here in Michigan!

Yesterday Rich and I walked around the Green Festival in Plymouth. It was all about being green, obviously. Even the fountain was green!

In the morning I went to several garage sales. I picked up this gorgeous glass platter for $2. I think I will be putting this to good use come the holidays!

That's about it for my weekend so far. Hope you all are having a wonderful Mother's Day. Shauna is coming over tonight. Chris is taking me out to dinner next week when his MIL gets back from her vacation and we can all go together, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak! Smart kid!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, first I must say that I am so proud of our military, especially the elite Navy seal unit that killed Osama Bin Laden yesterday! I always knew we would get him someday. I'm sorry it took so long but it happened which is all that matters! The US just needs to be extra vigilant now!

And even though it's old news, I did enjoy watching parts of the royal wedding. Her dress was beautiful and they look like such a happy couple!

On Saturday Shauna and I went to the International Women's Show. Used to be there would be booth after booth of samples and free stuff. Every year though there is less and less giveaways, and more and more booths where they are trying to sell you stuff. I filled out a bunch of slips to enter contests, though. Now I'll probably spend the next few weeks fending off sales calls! We had a good time, though!

Our resident rabbit looks like she is trying to make a nest in one of our barrels in the back yard! We watched her digging around in the barrel and running back and forth all day yesterday bringing leaves and sticks.

We have an abundance of robins in our neighborhood and a pair of them are trying to build a nest on top of our garage door opener of all places! Rich has knocked down sticks and grass and mud. Every time he opens the garage door one robin flies in and the other dive bombs him! It's hilarious but we have to keep the garage door closed until they get the idea that a nest on our garage door opener is not gonna happen!

Don't mess with the U.S!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...