Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brenda Photo Challenge

Time for another Brenda's Photo Challenge! This is all about Favorite Things!!

I have tons a favorite's just a few!

Willow Tree Angel holding a cat...given to me by my best friend Marie.

My favorite author by far is Stephen King..I have all his books and have been collecting them for years!

I bought this up north a long time ago. The shelf is only about 4" tall and each little cup is about 1/2 inch! It was the only time I was ever able to find something with both my name and Shauna's name!

I tried to get a collection of Bulova clocks. Didn't get very many because they are pretty expensive, but I love the ones I have!

I don't drink a lot of pop but when I do this is my favorite of all time! Yum!!

Click the link above to see some more Favorite Things.

Thanks, Brenda, for hosting another great Photo Challenge!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

IKEA Table

Saturday I went to IKEA to find a small table to put here:

The small wall right inside the front door. I used to have a low end table there but it never did look right to me and I wanted something that the cats wouldn't think was another surface for them to lay on!

Man, that IKEA is one busy place..especially on a Saturday. And I'm pretty sure that the store is set up so you have to walk through practically the whole thing just to get to the checkout!

Anyway, I actually enjoyed walking around there and found what I thought would be the perfect table.

Bought it, brought it home and prepared to put it together.

After it got a thorough inspection from  the cats, that is!

So here is our new hall table! Actually it's a plant stand, but I think it's the perfect size for where it is. Max thinks so, too!
It looks black in this picture, but it's really a dark brown. And that flower pot is just temporary. I think a larger green silk plant would look nicer there so this weekend I'll be looking for that!

Plus it made a great shadow on the wall as you can see from the header picture!

Have a good week...see you on Saturday for another Brenda Photo Challenge!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Tale of The Candy Bar

I decided to take the day off Wednesday just to give myself a little break and get a little me time. I had brunch with my friend Karen and then went to my cousin Carole's house to visit with her and return some stuff that I borrowed over the summer.

She lost her job about two years ago and she was telling me about the hoops prospective employers put people through when you apply for a job eg. lengthy tests and ridiculous interview questions...only to never hear from them again! So ridiculous!

Anyway, when I got home, I found this in the mailbox along with our mail...

I had no clue what this was until I peeled off the sticky note and saw this..

Apparently Shauna put this in our mailbox on Tuesday morning and our delivery lady took it thinking it was for her!

I felt really bad...she must have been embarrassed... so I put this is our mail box the next day...

I hope it made her feel better!

Well it's Saturday and I am off to IKEA to see if I can find a small table for our hallway entrance. Hope I can make it back out of that crazy place!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hello World Out There!

Jeez...I said this year I would like to get a few more followers but not posting and only commenting on very few blogs (although I still read a ton of them) is no way to do that! Oh well, blame it on the winter funk!!

Happy Valentines Day! Rich and I are doing absolutely nothing, which is OK with me. I may pick him up a cookie in the cafeteria but that's about it, no card or anything!

Our 35th anniversary is coming up in a month so we'll do something romantic then!

If you know me on Facebook you may have noticed I am not on there much anymore. I got bored and annoyed with it. I do still go on there occasionally so I won't deactivate my account just yet.

THIS   is my latest obsession! I love it and spend the majority of my computer time looking at things people have posted and looking for stuff to post on my own page! Fun and nothing annoying about it!

This winter has been fantastic as far as weather goes. I really have no complaints and seeing as we are in the middle of February we don't have much longer to wait for Spring!

Oh well, lunch hour over...gotta go. Hope all is well with you all! I'll try not to be so uninspired!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Memories

Yay! The Brenda Photo Challenge is back!

This one is all about Memories! Most of my favorite memories involve Rich and the kids!

This was taken in October 1977 at my grandparents 50th anniversary party. We had been married for 7 months. We were feeling pretty good in this picture if you know what I mean!! Rich was wearing a light blue leisure suit! Remember those? So popular in the 70's!

Chris was about 2 1/2 years old in this picture. Him and Rich used to stack his blocks up as high as possible. This one was about 5 feet tall! A record!

This is my all time favorite picture of Rich and Shauna. She used to sleep on his lap all of the time. They both woke up the second I took the picture!

This was my mom's mom. She died when I was 16 years old. She lived with us for the last year or so of her life so we were especially close to her. I still miss her to this day.

This is just a fraction of my memories....go HERE to see other great memories.
Thanks Brenda for arranging this challenge!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...