Monday, July 23, 2012

Sad and Happy Weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend with a couple of family events that happened but before I get to those I have to relay some sad news.

Remember this guy that I wrote about a while back?

Chris and Marissa had to put him to sleep on Friday. He had been acting like he wasn't feeling good off and on for the past few weeks and when they took him to the vet he was diagnosed with cancer of the spleen. They kept him for a few more days while he was not in any pain but he was losing muscle mass and when he could not walk without falling, they did not want him to suffer at all so they took him in. They are heartbroken and so are we. He was such a good dog and we are all going to miss him a lot!

Saturday we attended my niece Carly's graduation party. It was a lot of fun. They had a tiki bar, a bouncy house and a photo booth and lots of good food! My other niece made these adorable cake pops that were too cute! They looked like little coconut drinks!

Tiki bar

Lots of pictures


Me and my gorgeous daughter!

But best part of the night was the time I got to spend cuddling this little guy!

Dante Thomas

Oh my goodness,  he is so cute!! And all you have to do is talk to him a little and he smiles like crazy!
I could just eat him up!!

And on Sunday we attended his baptism!

Did a lot of driving this weekend because neither place was very close to us but it was worth it for all the fun family time!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Take A Walk With Me Part 3

OK we'll finish our walk this time! We past the half way point and are now headed back towards home on Warren Road. This is a little busier road with a few more businesses on it.

Like this funeral home.

And this day care center.

Oops, got a text message from my sister-in-law. Gotta stop for a second and answer her back. Can't walk and text at the same time!

More wonderful shade!!

♪  and the walls..come crumblin' down....♫

St. John Neumann Catholic Church.. one of the biggest and busiest churches in Canton.

This is a wetland area that is all dried up because we have had hardly any rain this summer. All the ducks and geese have left for wetter parts!

This is what that area looked like earlier this year. Apparently the water is not nearly as deep as I thought it was!

 Some punk decided to paint graffiti on on the wetland sign. Why do people have to be destructive?

Back at Sheldon Road and making another left.

♪ don't stop..thinking about tomorrow...♫

Heading north again towards home. Not too much along this street.

 Another day care center.

Coming up to the entrance to our subdivision.

We're going to make a right turn on Brandywyne towards home. Time for one more song!

♫ I'll stop the world and melt with you....♪

Home sweet home!

Ahhhh.. sure feels good to kick off those shoes!

I hope you enjoyed our little walk as much as I enjoyed having you!

Got a very busy weekend coming up. Big graduation party and Dante's baptism, too!

I'll be telling you all about it soon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take A Walk With Me Part 2

When last we met we were almost to the half way point of our walk.

A good part of my walk was in the sun so it's nice when we see these shady areas coming up.

♫ give us such nice bright give us the green of summer...♪

Someone just couldn't resist riding their bike through the wet cement! That's right..I'm taking to you, Jack!

They need to trim the weeds but I am enjoying all the pretty wildflowers. It's on my bucket list to one day pick a huge bouquet of all sorts of different wildflowers for our house!

Walking on shadow ridges sidewalks! This is sort of a main street so there are lots of privacy fences.

♪ well lets get to the point.....lets roll another joint...turn the radio loud...♫

We're at the half way point now..a health care facility. I've stopped here many times to use their facilities...but we're going to keep going this time!

Now we're at Warren Rd and were going to go left again and head east.

And this is a good place to stop ..and continue in a few days!

Hope you're keeping up with me!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Take A Walk With Me

I love when I have a day off and can take my (almost) daily walk in the morning. It's so much prettier out and  I feel so much more energetic!

So let me grab my phone, my iPod and my camera and invite you to come with me on this beautiful morning.....

We'll start by heading west on Brandywyne. Jeez! My shadow makes me look gigantic!

Now we're at Sheldon Rd. and were going to head north.

If I could turn back time.....

I love walks in the summertime!

We're going to stay on Sheldon as it curves around up to the traffic light.

♪ ..walk like an Egyptian........♫

It's a little hard to read this sign but we are going to turn left and be on Sheldon Center Rd, which is a little connector between Sheldon and Canton Center Rd.

 We've got a little ways to go on Sheldon Center Rd.

Walking past this little strip mall...empty except for one dental sad.

♫ ....I'm every woman......♪ 

They must have laid this sidewalk in the fall...there's lots of leave impressions in the cement!

There are small creeks running all around this area. I'm always crossing one or two on my walks.

Now were at the point where Sheldon Center becomes Canton Center Rd.

♫ Since you been gone...I can breathe for the first time....♪

I love the shed on the side of this looks like a carriage house! So cute!!

We're almost to the half way point so I'm going to stop here and continue in a few days!

Hope you come back!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Books and Reading

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This one is all about Books and Reading!

Easy for me because I am an avid reader!

Books I loved in childhood..of course these are not the originals. I got them off of  eBay. 

 I am a big Stephen King fan and have most of his books! 

Gardening books I picked up at a rummage sale a few years ago. 

And of course I read the newspaper every Sunday!

I don't have a Kindle or any kind of reading tablet, which is OK for now. I kind of like holding a book and sharing the good ones!

Click on the link above and check out some other challenges! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...