Tuesday, June 25, 2013

More Miscellaneous Stuff

More random stuff that makes me smile...

Blurry picture but I love a newly opened jar of peanut butter.

My friend Marie's daughter is a nurse at U of M where I work. They were putting pictures of nurses on the elevators to celebrate Nurse's week. She is a very pretty girl and I am not surprised that they used her picture!

This was a falcon that was sitting up on a wall right outside the window by my department at work. I think this is a baby because they have a falcon nesting box on the top of the hospital and they said that they babies were getting big enough to fly a little bit now. 

Saving the best for last! It could be just me but you'd think the Brits could come up with a better name for sponge pudding, right? And what exactly IS sponge pudding anyway? It may be really good tasting but I think I'll take a pass!!!

Hope all is well with you all!

Until the next time......

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Miscellaneous Stuff

Well summer is finally officially here!

Just thought I would share some things that made me smile lately.

A male duck was sitting on our roof a last week. 

And then a few days later we saw a female duck  walk out of our backyard and continue down the street with her three babies.  I love that we have so many ducks and rabbits around here in the summer! '

This guy was sitting right outside our door wall looking toward the house!  I have been putting lettuce leaves outside every few days and I think maybe he was asking for more!!!

This is by far the cutest baby I have ever seen on TV! So cute I had to take a picture!

More stuff in a few days.

Until then...

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...