Wednesday, September 28, 2016

New 25 Year Old Furniture

We have spent the last 3 weeks cleaning out my dads apartment. As of Friday we are done and the keys have been turned in. It's sad but he only lived there for 4 months so there wasn't much of an attachment to the place. 

After much discussion Rich and I took his bedroom set to replace our old one that we bought when we got married almost 40 years ago. 

We hauled the old set down the stairs and later put it in front of the house. 

After a few hours someone stopped to pick it up. 

That's Rich helping them load it into the truck. They are retired and restore furniture to sell. 

And our wonderful son-in-law Brad helped us get the newer set from the apartment and haul it upstairs. 

Not brand new but nicer than what we had. I love it and am glad we decided to take it! 

Until the next time....

Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Dad

If you're not friends with me on Facebook than you probably don't know that my father passed away on September 9th after a short battle with cancer. Actually, I can't really say battle because by the time he was diagnosed it was too late to do anything for him.  After 2 1/2 weeks of tests and two hospitalizations, he was put under Hospice care and passed away peacefully 2 days later.

He had time to make his wishes known, what funeral home he wanted ( Heeney-Sundquist, same one that we used for my mom and my grandmother ), what songs he wanted (It's a Wonderful World,at the funeral home Prayer of St. Francis and Ave Maria at the church)and that he wanted a military funeral, minus the 21-gun salute.

He also had plenty of insurance and money left from the sale of his house so everything was easily paid for.

Like he had done for us our whole lives, he made sure he had our backs!

Funeral Home

My dad was very proud to be a Korean War vet. I had never seen a military funeral before and it was touching.

US Army logo on the side of the hearse

Two military personnel were standing at attention when we pulled up to the grave site .

I didn't take a lot of pictures, obviously because it would have been tacky. I really wanted a picture of his flag draped casket sitting at the grave site but no one took one.  This is as close as I got.

After the service and taps was played, the flag was folded and handed to my brother as the oldest son.

Then we hung around until he was buried in the grave site he bought next to my mom when she passed away in 2002.

It was as nice of a service as it could be and a wonderful send off to a special man.

I will miss him a lot but I am comforted to know that someway, somehow he is with my mom again.

Until the next time.....

Sunday, September 4, 2016


I had a post up about my dad a few days ago but I took it down. It was depressing and I don't like my blog to be depressing.

We'll just leave it at my dad has stage IV lung cancer and the prognosis is not good. As of today, Sunday, he is in the hospital for the 2nd time while they try to get his oxygen levels good again and figure out what treatment, if any, he will get. I will keep you updated.

Anyway, so far this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! I took Friday off so I had the past 3 days off.

Brad's mom and dad had a little birthday party for Shauna and Brad a few weeks ago. They're birthdays are only 6 weeks apart.

Her clothes are getting tight an she's getting a tiny little belly! She said the baby was sapping all of her energy and I told her he's storing it for when he's a toddler!

This was the sky one morning when I was leaving for work. One good thing about late summer is the sunrises and sunsets are absolutely glorious!

Top to bottom: Toby, Smudge, Max, Coco (left) and Zoe.

Even though the cat hair generated by 5 cats is enough to drive me up a wall, I love my kitties!They are such a comfort to me when times are stressful!

Until the next time....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...