Thursday, July 27, 2017

Maxwell Grayson

My little grandson Maxwell is already 6 months old!

He's got two teeth.

He loves green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches and apples!

He hates peas!

He's a perfect combination of Shauna and Brad.

In the above picture he looks a lot like Brad.

But in this one he looks just like Shauna!

He's been rolling from his stomach to his back for a while not but he just learned to roll from his back to his stomach.

He's drooling like crazy right now so we expect those top teeth to break through anytime!

He's totally got me wrapped around his cute little finger!

Until the next time....

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Off My Phone

I'm on vacation this week so I figured I probably should post something, and there is always random pictures off of my phone to show so....

I made a rotisserie chicken in my slow cooker that came out really good!

Saw a group called Magic Bus at a outdoor concert in a park by my house. The play 60's music if you can't tell that from the stage. The singer in the black dress got over heated half way thought the concert and had to leave. It was pretty hot out!

Giant hippie at the park!

All my sibs went along with some friends! Here we are waiting for the concert to begin. You see how crowded the park is? Those Friday night concerts are very popular!

Spent one night in Tawas just to get away for a bit. This is a scenic overlook of the Au Sable River. It was so pretty! We have canoed a few times down this river.

A bird landed on the windowsill and about drove Zoe nuts! You can't see it well but it's right above her paw!

This pretty porch Marie and I walk by every Saturday morning.

Lastly, remember these old things? This was in a restaurant we ate at on our way home from Tawas.

I want to tell you all about my grandson but I will do that in the next post so I can devote the whole thing to him!

Until then......

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Camp Wathana

Back when I was a small girl I belonged to the Camp Fire Girls. My mom was a group leader. A few times a year our group would go to our camp , Camp Wathana, for a weekend.

Camp Wathana is located in Holly, Michigan. We would drive there from Detroit. Back then there was no expressway going out that way so it seemed much farther away than it actually is.

Anyway, I have great memories of the times we were at that camp!

Last week they had a open house so Rich and I decided to drive over there so I could see all the places I remember being.

I remember one weekend we went for a conference with several other groups from Detroit. We stayed in this lodge and I remember rows of cots that we slept on.

I remember being a little scared of the big windows because they looked out into the woods and it was very dark!

And the big fireplace that was so huge! Still is actually but to a 9 year old girl it was gigantic!

And the balcony we weren't allowed to go on!

A few of the signs on the walls. I don't remember them but I'm sure they were hanging there when I was there. If you look closely at the bottom of the sign above you can see a faint outline of the word Girls,  because we were the Camp Fire Girls. Over the years they have become gender inclusive so they took the word Girls off. I think they should have left it, personally. 

There is a huge screened in porch on the back that overlooks the lake. I actually didn't remember that until I saw it again!

And of course the lake!

Don't remember this dock either but I may not have been there back then.

This totem pole says Wo He Lo, which if I recall means Work, Health and Love. 

A few times we went with a smaller group of girls. Then we would stay in these little cabins.

There were bunks on both sides and slept 8 people per cabin. 

Ug! I wouldn't want to stay in any of those now! I don't know how my mom did it!

I am glad we went there and I enjoyed seeing all those places. They are having another on in the Fall and I want to go back with Karen because she was also a Camp Fire Girl. 

Until the next time.....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...