Monday, May 28, 2018


Last week we had these two windows in our master bedroom replaced.

Our house faces South and the master bedroom is in the back of the house so the windows face North. They never get direct sunlight. Over time they lost their seal and would get moisture on them.

Because they are wood windows and you know what happens to wood when it is damp all of the time. Pretty soon we were seeing mold along the bottom.

The other window wasn't quite as bad but still the mold was starting.

We tried re-sealing them but that didn't work. We had Pell@ and another window repair company come out to see if it they could be repaired but they said no so we threw some duct tape over the mold and pretended it wasn't there! 

However, now that decided to sell this house we knew there was no way that we could leave these windows like they were. 

I got 4 prices and Hom@ Dep0t was the cheapest so we went  ahead and ordered them and last Thursday they came and installed them.

Oh my goodness they are so nice! They're vinyl windows so they shouldn't ever mold and they open either way. Plus they don't have the little blinds in the middle so they let in a lot more light.

Too bad we are not staying and replacing all of the windows!

Here they are from the outside.

In other news, my friend Karen's daughter is getting married and her shower was last Sunday. I love wrapping presents and had fun with this one.

Black lace and pink ribbon, a pretty silk flower and gold leaves. Those are her colors.

She barely looked at it before she opened it and I think everything got thrown in the garbage!

Oh well, I enjoyed it!

And of course no post is complete without a picture of my peanut!

He's starting to talk a little!

Until the next time....

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Getting Rid of Stuff

We're still working on the house. It's going slow but steady. We're hoping to be done and have the house on the market at the end of June.

We've been spending the last few weekends cleaning the basement and closets and getting rid of a lot of stuff  that I have been holding on to for some reason.

Like this dress that Shauna wore when she was 6 and a flower girl in a friends wedding.

It was such a cute dress but it's yellowed and Shauna doesn't want it. Plus, the people who got married were divorced a long time ago!  So, into the garbage it went!

And this coat that belonged to my mom.

She loved it and I have held on to it for all this time! But I will never wear it so into the donation bag it went!

We've donated bags and bags of books, CD's and DVD's to the local library.

So slowly but surely we are making a dent in all of the stuff we accumulated over the years.

Thursday we are having the two windows replaced in the master bedroom. They are wood windows and the wood in the bottom panes is rotted beyond repair. We got 4 quotes and went with H@me Dep@t because they were the least expensive.

Work is going OK. It hasn't been crazy busy lately so it's nice to be able to keep up. The whole Pathology Department is moving off site in a few months. We are relocating about four miles closer to my house which is nice. The best part is that I won't have to take a bus into work from  my parking spot anymore!

Here's a picture of our little Maxwell

He's going to be a big brother! Shauna and Brad are expecting another baby boy in October!

Until the next time....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...