Wednesday, June 26, 2019


On Monday we took a day trip to Frankenmuth, Michigan. Actually it wasn't really a day trip because its only a little over a hour away from us and we only stayed for a few hours, so a morning trip I guess I should call it!

Anyway, part of the purpose of going was to go to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland to get personalized ornaments for the boys for Christmas. It's a tradition I started and will continue to get them for as long as I am able. Anyway, the first year when I was only getting one for Maxwell, we went sometime over the summer. It wasn't busy at all and we were in and out in no time. We didn't go to the Frankenmuth town though because they had something going on and it was extremely busy!

The second year when we were getting ornaments for  Maxwell and  Levi we ended up going in November, right after Thanksgiving. Big mistake! It was so jam packed you could hardly move and it was so hard to walk around. Plus we waited in line for a hour to get the ornaments personalized. That time it was too cold to walk around Frankenmuth town.

This year was perfect! We went to Bronner's and got two cute ornaments! I can't show them because I like to keep them a secret until Thanksgiving when I give them to the kids.

Here's the bag though! It was practically empty so we were able to walk around and look at lots of Christmas décor!

I ended up buying  this pretty cloisonné bell  ornament.

And this snow man to add to my collection!

I had to use great restraint to keep from spending hundreds of dollars!

When we left Bronner's we ventured a few miles away to the town of Frankenmuth. They are famous for their chicken dinners but in all honesty, I never thought they were very good! 

We at lunch at a restaurant called Michigan on Main which was all Michigan made food. 

Then we walked around town a little. I liked this fountain and that little girl loved it and was laughing at her grandpa who was taking her picture from the other side!

Another thing Frankenmuth is know for is this covered bridge. We walked across it and then drove across it too!

Of course, no trip to a little touristy Michigan town is complete without fudge! This is the newest flavor!

We went into a few little shops and I thought this sink in one of the bathrooms was pretty innovative.

It has the soap on the left, water in the middle and hand dryer on the right! 

Next thing we have planned is a trip to Greenfield Village, 

I'll tell you all about it next time! 

Until then.....

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Exploring New Places

We went on a couple new walking places in the last week, both of them pretty close to our house.

The first one was Coldwater Springs Nature Trail. It's a paved trail that goes by a small lake and a river.

The other trail we walked is called Miller Woods. The sign at the entrance says "Take only pictures, leave only footprints" 

It's only 3/10th of a mile, unpaved and almost completely shaded with trees.

Bridge over a particularly muddy place. There's probably a little water there if it rains enough. 

Someone built a little shelter. 

I love walking trails and am itching to get up north again to walk some real trails, like to waterfalls and stuff like that! 

I'm on vacation this week! I've got some fun stuff planned with lots in grandson time worked it too! 

Until the next time.....

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's Been Too Long

Well, someone (Mz. Sally) pointed out to me that it's been almost 2 months since I last posted so I figured I would catch you all up on what's going on in my life!

In a nutshell, not much!! Working and spending as much time as I can with my grandsons! 

Maxwell is talking up a storm and it's such a pleasure to listen to him tell his little 3-4 word sentences: for example pointing to his dads guitar "Daddy sit down and go briinnng , brinnng, brininng"! I love it!

We got him a water table for his birthday in January and finally got to break it out over Memorial Day weekend! He loves it and plays with it every chance he gets!

We all went to the zoo over that weekend, too. Shauna, Brad, the boys, me, Rich and Brad's mom Sandy. Maxwell wasn't too interested in the animals, though. What he did like was walking through the puddles and pushing the button on the water misting machines they had all over! Oh well, he's 2! Maybe next year!

Levi is almost 9 months old already! He's about thisfar from crawling and will scoot and roll all over the place. Last week he just started sitting himself up from laying down and babbles and babbles all the time! And laughs at the slightest thing. And he LOVES his big brother. His little eyes light up whenever  he looks at him!

Anyway, I'll stop babbling myself and just get to the pictures!

Time to start using the potty!

Hanging out at Nonnie and Bonk's!

The very popular water table

Be still my heart!

I'm on vacation next week.  We are not going anywhere this time but I do have a couple day trips planned, Frankenmuth and stopping at Bronner's Christmas Store to get the ornaments for the kid's without most of the population of Michigan being there at the same time! 

Greenfield Village because we haven't been there for about 15 years!

And hopefully a Detroit River Boat Tour, which I've heard is really nice.

I'll try to have lots of pictures to share!

Until then...….

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...