Thursday, February 25, 2021

February Photo A Day #25


I cut this little cartoon out of the newspaper back in 1986. At the time I was a stay at home mom to a 7 and 5 year old and my little family looked like the picture! I must have been feeling pretty unimportant then ( I know, right?)  because this really resonated with me! I've kept it in my wallet for all these years until just a few months ago when I stuck it up on my bulletin board. It's still good words to live by, though! 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Being a SAHM can be a thankless job.

  2. This is very good! Being something to everyone is impossible; what matters is how much good we do for those who give us an opportunity.

  3. That cartoon is perfect. It was worth keeping

  4. I remember those days, being in the 'thick' of it and you wonder what your purpose is. I love this little reminder.

  5. That is so true. Funny the things we keep! I have similar clippings. xoxo


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