Thursday, March 20, 2008

Damn Expensive Ham

We went to dinner at the local coney restaurant for our anniversary. I did not need anything fancy, just to not have to cook and clean up was good enough for me! Besides, I happen to love their particular greek salad dressing. It has beets in it!

Last night I met Karen for dinner. It had been 8 months since I last saw her. We go too long between visits but we're both busy. Her daughters are both in college now, though so maybe we can get together more often. We even talked about having dinner with the husbands, too.

Shauna is signing the lease for her apartment tomorrow and probably moving the majority of her stuff too. I wanted to help her but she does not want to wait until Saturday. She's excited so I can't say I blame her. Her boyfriend and a friend from work will be helping her.

I have a ton of stuff to do. We are having Easter dinner this year. I bought a 10 lb ham (damn those things are expensive!) and I have a lot of cleaning to do. We went out of town two weekends in a row so nothing much got done. You know, bathrooms, floors and all that fun stuff and I am feeling another cold coming on. Nice!


  1. Yes, I was surprised at the price of hams this year.

  2. Not having to cook and clean up is heaven. That's why we're going to a restaurant for Easter dinner! Have a happy holiday!


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...