Monday, April 14, 2008

All and Nothing

Well, we had a nice weekend.

Friday night dinner with the usual people. We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen. Their Mediterranean Salad is second to none!

Saturday Marie and I went to breakfast and then to check out the new JCPenneys by my house. It's a beautiful store. They are still celebrating their grand opening so there was good sales and a barbershop quartet singing in the aisles! I bought a pair of capri pants and a white shirt. I have a tendency to look dumpy in capris because I am so short (5"1") and they are always too long. I got these in the petite section and they are OK. I also tried to get a cute pair of sandals but they didn't have my size. The sized went from 8 to 9.5 and I wear a 8.5. Chris and Marissa came over that afternoon. they got the rest of their stuff out of the basement so we can finally get it cleaned up! I was showing Marissa all of my beading stuff and she made herself a little zipper pull. Good idea for something else for me to make. Saturday night we went to the casino. I got 4 deuces on the dollar machine and won $1000!. Woo Hoo!

Sunday was a pretty laid back day. I went grocery shopping in the morning. In the afternoon I went to the other JCPenneys and got the sandals I was looking for on Saturday. They actually had a 8.5. After I wore them around the house for a while I think I will take them back and get a 9! I may as well just get a size 9 from now on. I bought now pillows too. Good quality pillows for a change instead of cheap ones. They are so comfortable! In the afternoon Rich and I went for a walk. It was sunny but a little cold. It felt good though. Sunday evening Shauna came over for a while. I gave her the necklace I made for her and the earrings!

I put our old 27" TV on cr@igslist for free and it was gone in 60 seconds, I swear. Now I have my entertainment center listed for $30 and have gotten 2 emails so far. I hope someone buys it because it's sitting in the living room taking up space and I don't have anywhere else to put it. Plus, the cats are using it as a stepping block to get to the top of the china cabinet!

That's all for my exciting weekend. Today my co-worker is off and my supervisor is home sick so I'm on my own at work. It's not too busy so far. I sure would love to be able to retire!

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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...