Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekly Winners

I missed last week so I am posting early this week!!

I love to take pictures of my cats in the sunshine.

This is the hosta starting to come up; amongst the old from last year. Yeah, I did not do a good clean-up but soon the new will cover the old!

I love this little night light. The shade goes around and around and looks so pretty!

Finally some spring flowers! Gorgeous daffodils. This is the smallest bunch in my yard but the only one blooming so far.


  1. I love to watch hostas and other plants start coming up in the spring. My hostas are beginning to show up too. It is amazing what one day will bring.

  2. I do love Daffodils.. *sigh* I will just have to look at yours.. It is only the beginning of autumn here and I am fretting for daffs already.. oh dear..

    cheers kim xx

  3. That night light is AWESOME. I really, really love it. Do the cats leave it alone? I'm afraid mine would "bat" the lampshade.

  4. Those daffodils are very pretty! They look like they're waiting for the rest of the greenery to realize it's spring.

  5. That nightlight is adorable!

  6. I love the first one of the cat - very cute!

  7. Rebecca-They used to bat at it but after a few weeks of picking the shade up off of the floor and the sink they got over it! Now they leave it alone to go along its merry way!! I got mine at a store called Gabrielas and they do have a online store so check it out!

  8. Cute cat and I love the nightlight :)

  9. Aw, I *love* the first one of your kitty. Orange tabbies in the sun seem the perfect combination. Gorgeous daffodils, too!

  10. I love ALL your pics this week! The kitty one is so sweet, LOVE the nite-lite, & the daffodils are gorgeous!!

  11. i am working on a embroidered humming bird and your night light gave me some color inspiration. Thanks!!

  12. Hooray for spring!
    I love photographing cats in the sun, too!

  13. Nice daffodils! I, too, get excited by the first signs of plants pushing up in the spring. Makes the winter melt away faster.

    Thanks for dropping by my place. Just dropping in to tell you that I had linked to the wrong WW on Sunday!


    The correct one is here.

    Woman with a Hatchet

  14. My Hosta's are coming too, I had to water the pots for the first time this season, they were all so thirsty!! That's when I saw the Hosta's!
    Thx for visiting my WW, I'm very late to comment, but I was off shooting next week's pictures!


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