Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Fast Food

It's already time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This one is Fast Food...tough one!

As far as I'm concerned fast food is anything you don't have to do much to to eat!

Like apples...just give 'em a quick wash!

Or just open the can and dump it in a bowl!

Is take out pizza considered fast food? Sure don't lack for coupons anyway!


  1. Hahahaa....I like the Fast Cat Food!!Hahaaa...Great thinking Girl!! These are Fun!

  2. Great post for Fast food! I thought about cat food and maybe a shot of the cats showing how fast they eat the fast food! Ha, ha.

    Sandy from the heart of Texas

  3. Pizza sure does count! LOL, great ideas!

  4. Ha! They're great! The fast cat food reminds me of this time,,,,, Hahahaha!

  5. My cats love their food fast or they will let me here about it for sure! lol Great pics!

  6. Some weeks I tend to eat the pizza too much, its easy and I will eat leftovers for all meals.Glad the cat food wasn't going on crackers.Fast food for them in my house is what I put in their dish in the kitchen opposed to the basement. It seems to taste better there.

  7. But of course take out pizza is fast food. at least to me anyway :) You had some good ideas here, I never thought of canned food

  8. ya, canned food is easy n simple.


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