Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 10/10/10!!

Happy 10/10/10! It won't happen again until November 11th of next year!

The weather this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! 70-80 Friday, Saturday and today!!

Yesterday we finally got our new furnace installed. It's only been sitting in our basement for the past 6 months! The old furnace had a crack in the heat exchanger and was leaking a minute amount of carbon monoxide. We still used it for the end of the winter last year but with two C02 detectors! Anyway, our friend Mark installed the new one for us and he did a wonderful job. Poor guy spent the whole day, from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm in our basement! I felt bad that he missed one of the last few warm days we are going to have this year! Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about getting asphyxiated in our sleep anymore!

Today we went to Sterling State Park again ..this time to walk a trail.

It was a nice walk, about 3 miles maybe. Then we spent a few hours with our metal detector. Did not have a lot of luck at the state park, but stopped at a local park for a hour or so and found several quarters and a token. I was nice to be outside in the sunshine!

Came home and made skillet lasagna for dinner. Yum!!

Now I am about to park my tired butt on the couch for some tv time.

Dexter is on tonight!


  1. The food looks Great!
    Glad the furnace is now Fixed Girl!!

  2. What a beautiful picture...oh and the wooded scene is nice too! ;-}

  3. Thank goodness you don't have to worry about the furnace any more. While you aren't near the ocean, at least you have some large bodies of water to go and gaze at. Just makes my eyes feel good to look out at a lake or the ocean.

    Thanks for visiting Porch Days. Glad you are enjoying fall so much.


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Mock Fried Rice

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