Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and Mom

Happy Thanksgiving to all my blog buddies. May we all be thankful for the wonderful people in our lives!

My mother-in-law passed away on Tuesday. She died while in her wheelchair, being taken to play bingo, one of her favorite things to do besides Find-a-word puzzles. Her heart just stopped. She was 92 years old.

Here's a picture of her and Rich the last time we saw her. Loved that beautiful smile. For this picture I said say "cheese".

And for this picture I said say "screw".

She had a wonderful sense of humor and she loved to laugh!

I am thankful I had the privilege of being her daughter-in-law for more than 33 years. She will be missed.


  1. I'm so sorry, Jeanette. How blessed you were to have such a happy mother-in-law. Please give Rich my condolences. His smile is infectious also. (((((hugs))))

  2. I lost my mother-in-law almost 30 years ago and I still miss her. {{hugs}}

  3. I am so sorry. {{hugs}}
    My dad passed away on Thanksgiving Day ten years ago. It is awful to happen on a holiday that is supposed to be filled with joy.
    My brother's wife's mom also passed this year, on the same day as your mom.
    Our hearts are heavy for them and you.

  4. I am so sorry about your mother in law. I just had time to stop and read blogs today after the holiday. She looked like a wonderful person from those pictures. You were very blessed to have her in your life.

  5. I've been lax in getting around to my favorite blogs so I'm just reading this. I'm so sorry for your loss sweet friend. (((Hugs)))

  6. Oh I'm SO Sorry Jeanette!!
    She looked like she was Such a happy person!!!


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