Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Decorating

Thanks for all of your comments on my mother-in-law. The funeral went pretty well except for a little problem with the flowers that I ordered to be placed on the casket. To make a long story short they arrived to the funeral home late and they weren't even the right ones! Last time I ever order flowers online!

I almost have my Christmas decorating finished. I usually have it all done within a day or two after Thanksgiving. I'm a little slow this year.

We decided to put the Christmas tree in front of the door wall this year. It saved us from having to jack a bunch of furniture around and I think it looks rather nice there.

These wreaths were made by my kids in when they were in elementary school. Chris's on the left and Shauna's on the right. I hang them every year on the french doors leading into the family room.

We're having Rich's sisters and their husbands over for dinner next Saturday and then probably Shauna's boyfriends parents the following week. That is all of the holiday entertaining I will be doing this year. It's nice to have a little break because I usually have either a huge family Thanksgiving or Christmas every year.

I leave you with a picture of my great-nephew Dominic at Thanksgiving. He's so cute I could just eat him up!


  1. Your tree is gorgeous! And, that little Dominic ADORABLE!!!!

    Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend. ((hugs))

  2. Love your decorations - makes me jealous that mine are still stored. I have other fish to fry before I get them up.

  3. It looks pretty! And I love that swag in your blog header!

  4. Love your decorations!
    I am still working on getting all of mine up!

    Merry CHRISTmas,

  5. Everything looks Beautiful...and I was pretty slow this year as well...

  6. Hi! I am making my rounds! Or trying. Ha!
    The Christmas Tree is beautiful!!
    We never put one up. Too many little monkeys in the house. ~cats :)
    My condolences on the loss of your mil. Hard at this time of year. But, in my thoughts, she went the way she wanted. On the way to doing somthing she loved!! We should all be so fortunate!

    Thanks for always leaving such sweet comments. I look forward to them. Annie does to :)

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!
    xo, misha

  7. Hey! My reader says you have new post up, but it ain't workin'. Just thought I'd let you know. Hope you're enjoying the weekend. ((hugs))

  8. Beautiful decorations and a sweet baby, can't be beat!


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