Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snowy Sunday

Well, it had to happen eventually! We have been getting steady snow all morning and a couple of inches have already accumulated. I took these pictures out the front door a few minutes ago.

It's not extremely cold out so the snow is wet and heavy. Good "packing" as we used to say; not that I'm going out there to make any snowballs or a snowman anytime soon!

I worked my last 4-day week. Now I will start working in transcription on Fridays. Transcription is what I used to do when I first started working for U of M and what I went to school for. I just don't like doing all of that typing 5-days a week. This will be perfect because it's only one day and it's off site, which means I don't have to travel all the way to the hospital and deal with riding a bus! Plus I will probably make more money than before due to the incentive, which is what they pay you per line for typing. Win-win!!

I will be taking a week or two off in January. Rich is having surgery to remove a small portion of his colon because he has a large polyp that can only be removed surgically. Thankfully, it's not cancer but has high potential to become cancer if it's not removed. He will be in the hospital for about 5 days and off of work for several weeks.

He was teaching me how to use our little snow blower the other day and I decided to write the direction right on the thing because I knew I probably wouldn't remember a thing he told me!

Pretty ingenious if I have to say so myself!

Hopefully I won't have to use it though. I'll probably just shovel if I need to unless we get a ton of snow..then I will be forced to use the thing. If Chris lived closer to us I would ask him to come over but he lives about 35 miles away and that's just too far to ask him to come and clean the driveway! Although he would if I needed him too!

Last night we had Rich's sisters and their husbands over for dinner. We had a great time and I got to drink lots of Asti and eat too much!!

I better go. I want to make a quick run to JCPennys and get a little Christmas shopping done. I haven't bought a single thing yet! Every year I get slower and slower!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Oh gosh, I'm sorry Rick needs surgery! I hope all goes well for him AND you.

    Now,listen, you know I'm slow-but does this mean you'll only work on Fridays?

    I can't believe it's been a year already since you shared the snow with us. It's so pretty, but I'm sure it's a pain to deal with. It snowed here in l989, and shut the whole city down; even the bridges were iced over!! :)

  2. We had 12 INCHES of snow overnight in the U.P.last night and it has snowed steadily all day...we are still in the midst of a blizzard as I type this Sunday night...have about 3 feet of snow on the ground here now..!!
    Good luck with his will take a bit to recover but hopefully he will do so quickly. Bad time of year for that, both will be glad to have it over with, I am sure. {hugs}

  3. Your snow is pretty and I bet the geese are loving that!

    I'll be saying a prayer that Rich heals quickly after his surgery.

    You are a brave lady to operate the snow blower. And that's a fine idea to write down the directions! :-)

  4. Rick? Who is Rick? lol

    I DO know his name is RICH!!

    Hope you all are not snowed in and are safe! I notice you're not on f/b anymore - hope nothing happened.

    Take care, stay warm!!

  5. I do hope that the surgery and rehab time go well.

    Be careful of shoveling - of course that is something of which I know nothing!!

    Your snow is beautiful to look at though!

  6. We were traveling in all that snow on the 12th. Got quite a bit didn't we? At least we are assured of a white Christmas. Merry Christmas, Net.


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