Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This past weekend was really beautiful...sunny and in the high 50's. My SIL Linda and I went to a craft show at St. Marks Lutheran Church..where my brother Tom and SIL Debbie are very invoved.

It was a pretty small craft show but I did manage to get some pizza bread for Rich, a little homemade bookmark and this:

Michigan Honey. This stuff is so good! I love it in tea and also on peanut butter toast! Yum!!

Speaking of yummy...have you tried this?

Just throw it in the blender with a cup or so of skim milk (or whole milk if you have it) and give it a whirl!

Heaven in a glass!

After spending a few hours organizing my files I had a bunch of paperwork to get rid of. We decided to make use of our little outdoor fire container thingy (can't for the life of me remember what it's called!)

Had a whole paper bag full of papers to get rid of..including tax returns from 1999-2002. It was chilly out and it made a nice toasty fire! And it sure beat shredding all that paper!

Hope your week is going good!


  1. How fun to go to craft shows! I used to love it. I bet the honey is so good, much better than the store bought stuff.

    Glad you guys had a nice weekend, Jeanette. :)

  2. Oh Lord, I NEED to do the Same!

  3. LOL, you name things like I do - "thingy". It looks like a fire pit. That's a good way to get out of shredding! YUM on the honey. We have some great TN honey here that we get. I haven't tried the smoothie mixes. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. I am loving that the weather is not too cold for a bon fire!

    Smiles, Dolly


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