Friday, January 10, 2014

More Christmas

On Christmas Day we went to Chris and Marissa's. They had all of Marissa's family there.

They have a Charlie Brown tree!

They have a real tree, too.  I didn't take many pictures though. I think because I don't know her family that well and I was embarrassed to be taking them!

I had to work on Thursday and Friday and on Saturday we had Chris and Marissa, Shauna and Brad over for a post Christmas brunch and to exchange gifts.

I didn't wrap a single gift! I had so many bags from past Christmas's that I just wanted to use them all up!
Toby was wondering if one of them was for him!

One thing I did want to show you is the windows at work.

Every year they do this Holiday Grief Wall where they supply markers and people write tributes to loved ones that they lost or that are sick. I like how someone wrote a thank you right next to the sign.

Its the windows of a whole corridor and it's really something to see when they all get filled up!

Here's a few pictures I took early one morning when it was still dark out!

I always enjoy seeing this every year! 

That was pretty much our Christmas! Always have a great time and always glad when it's over!

Now we just have to survive this brutal winter we are having so far! 

Until the next time!


  1. LOVE the CB tree! Hunt and I made one also out on their deck. She regretted to inform me a few days later that the wind took it away. :)

    I'm so glad you all had a great time over the holidays, and that wall is something!


  2. LOL, love the Charley Brown tree! And it looks like your kitty was waiting for something to jump out of a gift bag. The glass wall is a wonderful idea too.

  3. Glad the Polar Vortex has returned to the North Pole where it belongs!!!

  4. Oh Janette!!!The Grief Wall....Just Wow! What a great idea!!!


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