Friday, August 15, 2014

Vacation Day 3, Part 4 Presque Isle River East River Trail

So now that we made it to the end of the West River Trail, it was time to go back up via the East River Trail.

Here on the other side you can see part of the boardwalk and observation deck.

But the East River Trail is just that..a trail. No more boardwalk or observation decks. Just a dirt trail.

And not a easy one, either!

It meandered over tree roots, down into little ditches  and along the cliff.  Marked only by blue dots on the trees.

But there was great views on the other side of the river. 

And here is that better view of the first falls that I promised you in the previous post.

It took us a good hour and  a half to hike up this side of the trail. Of course, we kept stopping for pictures, and to take a little rest here and there, too! By the time we got back to our car we were both exhausted and hot and sweaty! But it was worth every minute of it!

That was pretty much our vacation.

On Wednesday we drove from Ironwood  to home without spending the night anywhere. Approximately 605 miles.

I hope you enjoyed my vacation recap. I can only stress that if you ever, EVER have a chance to come to this area, or anywhere in Michigan actually, please do! I promise it will be worth the trip!

Thanks for coming along!

Until the next time!


  1. That sure does look like a beautiful area! I'm so glad that you had a wonderful vacation and were finally able to see places that had been on your bucket list for a while!

  2. More great photo's. Yes ma'am I've enjoyed these posts so much!

    605 miles is a lot at the time. WOW

    I used to think my 4 hour treks over to W FL was a lot, but then I have a hiney that tends to become numb rather quickly. :)

    Have a great weekend, buddy!

  3. I think Hancock, MI. is as far away from home as is Boston,MA. I'd much rather be in Da UP than Boston anytime!!!!!! We have such a beautiful State, don't we. So fresh and green and so many lakes. Made in the image of God's right hand!!

  4. I know it Looks gorgeous...I can hear that water splashing!!

  5. I have always wanted to visit Presque Isle, it is beautiful! Hey, we are practically neighbors! I'm in Oakland County and my daughter who just got married is in Westland. Small world :>)

  6. Lovely shots! I especially enjoyed the photo of the falls.


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