Saturday, August 30, 2014

Miscellaneous Summer Stuff

I can't believe it's Labor Day weekend already. This summer went by much too fast for me!

Not much going on right now. I have been working some overtime these last few weeks because I've been so busy so I am so glad to have the next few days off!

The birds are loving the birdbath!

This house on one of the routes that I walk has tons of rose bushes planted around it. Besides lining the driveway that you can see here the also go all along the front and the side. They were all in bloom and looked so pretty!

A couple weeks ago we got lots of rain in a short amount of time, and there was flooding all over the place! The worst of it was Northeast of us but we had our share!

I slowly drove through some pretty deep water at about 4 miles per hour. I was determined to get home and all the roads leading to my house had floods at various areas. This picture is at the end of our street!  The water was running past our house and to a lower spot down the street. Those houses had flooded basements. Thankfully, our basement didn't flood!

The reward for our troubles was this beautiful rainbow!

I've never seen one so bright!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend! 

Until the next time!!


  1. Beautiful rainbow!

    Yikes at all the water! I remember one time when Patti was in first grade, I had to drive through flooding like that; it was coming in under the driver side door. I was petrified - and I was the LAST parent to pickup. A kindly teacher had waited with her, and told me she figured something like that had happened. It's just a wonder the car didn't flood out. :)

    I hope you get plenty of rest this weekend after all that overtime, buddy.

  2. WOW--I would have to check out that garage--where the rainbow ends. Might be a pot of gold in there?

  3. Wow, I've never seen that many birds gather around a bird bath before. Also, I love the picture of that fabulous rainbow. I rarely see them anymore... :)

  4. Wish we could get some rain - but not all at once or we, too would be flooding and sliding all over the place. Love looking at the pictures.

  5. So sorry about the flood problems in your area! And rainbows are always fun to see after a rainstorm. Love the birdbath!

  6. This summer has gone by so fast! And we never know what the weather will do! Beautiful rainbow tho! Love your bird bath!!

  7. I wish you could send some of your rain our way. It rained for about 10 minutes last week, that's all. The rainbow is so beautiful and you captured it in great pictures.


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