Sunday, September 28, 2014

Busy and Uninspired.

It's been almost a month since I last posted. I always intend to post at least once a week but I only seem to get inspired once a month!

Anyway, here's what's been going on lately:

Rich and I took a little trip for one night to Traverse City last Sunday  I don't know if you have ever watched a show on Animal Planet called "The Incredible Dr. Pol" but it's about  a country vet and his adventures in mid Michigan. I love it and we decided on our way up to Traverse City to take a little detour and find his clinic.

It was a rainy day (of course) but we managed to find it.

It was a Sunday so the clinic was closed. There was a horse in a stable in the back and he was wondering why we were there!

That's his jeep that he drives all over on the show, too. I thought someone may have been there or I would have peeked in the windows!

This is where we stayed in Traverse City. They sent a coupon for a cheap room so we couldn't resist!

This is the check in desk...all lit up!

It's a very beautiful hotel. Our room was really nice too, but I didn't get a good picture of it.

This is a view of the gaming floor. The hotel is kind of on a hill so the gaming floor is two stories below the hotel.  We had fun and won enough money to pay for the trip! It was nice to get away and have an extra day off of work!

In other news, Shauna and Brad are house hunting and his mom and I have been going with them! It's been a lot of fun! They have looked at a ton of houses and may be closing in one one! We will see!

I work next week and then I am off for a week so I can go to Harbor Springs with my friend Karen for a few days. Her and her husband own a condo there.  We are celebrating 50 years of friendship!

The colors should be really beautiful up there! I'll be sure to get lots of pictures!

Until the next time.....


  1. Oh, so glad you had a good time and it's always nice to get away! Beautiful hotel, and yay for winning!

    I don't watch that show but Hunter does when she's here; I'll have to ask her she's seen that one.

    House hunting! How exciting. Wow, the time is getting closer and closer!

    Good for you and Karen to get some time together; those friends from 50 years are so very special. I have a couple of those, yet sadly the best friend I ever had passed away and I miss her much. So, YES, happy for you and your friend.

    Okay, will be looking for pics. :)


  2. I understand about being busy! I have the best of intentions as well to write up blog posts, but the photo editing always takes way too much time (LOL). How cool that you got to see where the Pol animal clinic is located! We've watched that show this summer, though we have to zip past the parts that are gross.

  3. Lucky you. I never win money when I go to a casino, but at least I only allow myself to never lose more than $20.00.

    A 50 year friendship is something to treasure and definitely worth celebrating. Have a great time at Harbor Springs... :)

  4. I see an empty nest in your future, LOL.
    Love the Traverse area--the bay and the forests....and the gaming. I like to drive on up into the Little Finger (Leelanau)...ah, Casino up there too, LOL

  5. I LOVE his show, but since we changed providers, my husband didn't choose the plan that has that network. I am going through withdrawals! Traverse City looks really nice. Perhaps we can include that on a trip sometime (doubt it though - my wishes somehow seem to get put on the back burner when we travel!), Thanks for the pictures.

  6. Never heard of the show!!! Darn!
    And I also have been BAD at blogging!


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