Friday, October 10, 2014

Week Off

I have had the past week off of work so of course, the week went by fast! At least it's Friday now and I am happy for everyone who had to work this week!

I spent a few days in Harbor Springs MI with my friend Karen but before I get into that the big news is that Shauna and Brad bought a house! The better news is that it's in Canton, only about 4 miles from us!

Its a quad-level.

With an awesome kitchen! Shauna and Brad are over the moon excited!!! They should be moved in and settled before the holidays hit!

Anyway, last Monday I went up north with my friend to celebrate our 50 years of friendship.  Her and her husband own a condo in a resort called Bay Harbor right on Lake Michigan.

This is the front of the condo. Their entrance is on the right. There is 4 units per building, two on the lower level and two on a upper level.


This is the view of the lake from her porch.

And this is the view towards the parking lot. As you can see we didn't have clear skies most of the time. It didn't rain, though so that was good.


It's really nice inside, too. Even though they own the condo, they are in the rental program so the resort company rents the condo out all summer long. They keep the maintenance on it too. 

It's very clean and comfortable.

This was my room.

We basically just hung out, ate a little, drank a little and walked around the shops in Petoskey, the closest town to Harbor Springs. Every night they have a fire on the beach and they make smores. We took advantage of that both nights!

The colors weren't all that brilliant because it's a little early yet but there was some color here and there. 

Next post I'll show you more of the little town of Petoskey, tell you how I fell on my face on the rocks, and also show you the really, tiny town of Good Hart!

Until then......


  1. How EXCITING! I'm so glad Shauna and Brad found & bought that house; it really looks so nice.

    You fell - oh no! I don't like that at all. Hope you're okay now.

    That's a nice condo, and right on the lake - can't beat that. I'm happy you had a nice time minus the fall.

    Take care, and enjoy the weekend; you have to go to work Monday, right? :)


  2. Congratulations!
    What a beautiful house and lovely place!

  3. I'm glad house hunting went well for Shauna and Brad. That's good news.

    That condo is really nice and that view of the lake is beautiful. I really hope you weren't hurt bad when you fell.

  4. I almost forgot to say that I love your new header... :)

  5. Oh my--what are you going to do with an empty nest?? I love the Petoskey area--did you find any Petoskey stones? I could live in that condo year round!!!

  6. Glad to hear that the young couple got a really nice house lined up! And that looks like a nice condo!


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Mock Fried Rice

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