Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Wedding Part I-Thursday May 28th

On Thursday before the wedding we all gathered at the venue to have a rehearsal.

It was a beautiful evening. sunny, warm and breezy.

Shauna and Brad wanted the ceremony to be right on the grass outside of the patio attached to the venue.

They had a few chairs set up in rows for us to practice in.

We gathered in a room and Sarah, who is the event coordinator there,  helped us figure out how we were going to do everything.

Line up here, walk here, sit here! We went through it a few times.

 It was a beautiful, sunny evening!

 Breezy and warm.

Chris and Brad standing in position.

It didn't take us long to get it just the way Shauna and Brad wanted it.

Then we left and went to dinner at Champs, which was graciously hosted by Brads mom and dad.

Brad made a little speech.

And then him and I took a selfie!

I take terrible selfies! I always look like I'm looking into one of those round, Christmas ornaments, know what I mean?

Shauna and Brad handed out gifts to all their attendants. I wish I would have got a picture of the pretty necklaces she gave her girls. It was a CZ surrounded by smaller stones in the shape of a knot, with a little card saying "Thanks for helping us tie the knot". Very pretty!

And she gave us this beautiful frame and candle.

It was a fun night!

Coming up-Fingers, toes and flowers!


  1. Wonderful! Fun being Mother of the Bride, eh?

  2. Oh, how fun! Shauna says it all with that beautiful smile. And, you do NOT look anything like the inside of a Christmas ornament. You have that same smile as your
    daughter! I'm so glad the weather was nice for both days. Looking forward to the next installment (please)! :)



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